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Textfields truncated under Linux


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I've noticed that when I transfer my properly designed reports to a Linux environment, the calculation of space needed for certain textfields breaks (or at least behaves differently).

Following situation:


The report is developed on a Windows XP machine and all necessary fonts (Arial, Arial-Bold) etc are embedded into the document. Under XP it all works fine.

When I now fill the same report with the same data under Linux (headless mode) it may happen that some text fields are truncated or not displayed at all. It seems that under Linux the measurement of needed space is different. It especially applies for bold text or large font sizes (> 16pt).


(Dissatisfying) workarounds:

For bold fonts - uncheck the checkbox in iReport that marks a textfield as bold but embed the bold font (e.g. Arial_bold.ttf) nonetheless, so it will be displayed correctly in the PDF but not in iReport.

Large font sizes - increase the height of the text field over the needed size (regarding the result under Windows). After some tweaking (usually after adding 10% more height) the text will appear.


You see, JR seems to have some problems with text measurement. It would be very nice if this could be fixed because it's not a surprise of the good sort if you suddenly realize that parts of your report are missing.


Thanks in advance!



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