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How to define a folder for the font files?


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I must create my reports with iReport. The reports will only be printed on a real printer, or saved as pdf file.


For the creation of a pdf file, I have to define an alternate font file. For example ARIAL.TTF.


Now I can create a report and show it in JRViewer. If I print this report an a real printer, there is no problem, but if I want to save the report as pdf file, I get an exception, that the ARIAL.TTF file could not be found.


I am not allowed to use an other tool as iReport for creating the jrxml files. I am also not allowed to modify the files manually. I can't use FONT_MAP within my Java classes, because I don't know, what fonts the users of the software will use for their reports.


Is it possible to set a directory (e.g. C:WINDOWSFonts for Microsoft Windows platforms) outside of my application? Because I don't know, where the font files of the users are.


I tried to do this over a jasperreports.properties file, like the demo, but this didn't work.


I must use the JRViewer, I can't use the PDF-Export function directly.


Any ideas?




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I am now using the following solution:


1. I have a folder called fonts in the folder of my application.


2. All used fonts must be in this folder.


3. I ship my application as JAR archive, so I have to extend my Class-Path in the Manifest.mf file with the String './fonts/' (without the quotes).


This system is ok for me!


Annotation: I use eclipse for creating my Java application, so I had to add the fonts folder as additional source folder.




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