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Problem in giving multiplequeries!

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By: Anuradha - anura

Problem in giving multiplequeries!

2003-08-19 02:25


I'm creating a new report and that report reads FIELDNAMES from "Table1" and reads another FIELDNAME called "SYSDATE" from the table "DUAL".

I've created a textfield for SYSDATE where the TextFieldExpression is "$F{SYSDATE}" of

Expression class "java.sql.Timestamp".

I've READ & REGISTERED the fields for both the tables which is present in the VALUES FORM.

During compilation, i face the problem of giving MULTIPLE QUERIES(say, select * from table1 and select SYSDATE from dual etc..) which gives me COMPILATION ERROR saying

"java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name" !


and 'am not able to get the output which gives me the current "SYSDATE" along with that....

Cud u plzz help me in this regard..?









By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

RE: Problem in giving multiplequeries!

2003-08-19 09:33

Try select table1.*, dual.SYSDATE from table1, dual...







By: Sohan Kasula - skasula

RE: Problem in giving multiplequeries!

2003-08-19 12:15

If the columns are from table1 and sysdate from dual table then UNION has to be used to get combined result set.


e.g select column1 from table1


select sysdate column1 from dual


notice the alias column1 on sysdate to match the column names to first query. Not only the column names, datatypes should also match. With the above example you'll get a separate record for dual table all the time.


Alternative approach is to list all the columns of table1 instead of a * and also list sysdate.


e.g select column1, coulmn2, ....,sysdate from table1.

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