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Problems with generated excel report


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Hi Everyone,

I have a report that needs to be exported to xls format in a single page. Through iReport, I'm able to generate a single page continuous xls report(with no empty lines in-between). I have two problems with this report.

Pbm 1:

First problem is that the same report comes bad when generated through the application. Many empty lines appear randomly after some set of rows throughout the report. Infact the number of empty lines increases as we go down the report. Please give me some suggestions for this issue.


Pbm 2:

We want to be able to have exactly the same number of rows as in the table in the generated report. Currently some extra 30 lines appear in the report due to the over flow of text.

Please note that for some column of a row, the data is over 100 lines(when put in a doc file).



I have set the foll. parameters in the code:

1. JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE





Also, I have enabled the 'stretch with over-flow' property of the Text fields in iReport. I have attached the genereted excel report for your reference.


I feel that both the problems have the same cause ie text over flow. If there is way so that the text of a column, does not over flow to the next row, this issue can be resolved. I looked in to the previous forum questions, but still trying to fiqure out the solution.



Thank you very much for your time!



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