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Styles not cascading properly


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In iReport I have set a default style, NOT a report font as this is 'deprecated'.



Now while it does appear that on the whole that works correctly, iReport isn't correctly cascading the style onto all report elements. (iReport 2.0.3)



Any 'new' elements created AFTER the style has been set seem to 'inherit' the default style, but other elements (even where some style elements are not specified) don't, and the 'font' tab shows instead the 'default' settings if no style had been applied.



And a crosstab on the report displays wrongly in iReport because it isn't recognising the default style - even though it DOES work when the report is generated.



At the moment I'm looking at having to manually edit all my reports to remove any attributes from the font tags that iReport is setting even when that is not what was wanted. It should ONLY set any attributes that are different from the prevailing style.

Post edited by: sww, at: 2008/01/14 08:16

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OK, so no responses so far.



Let me re-iterate:



I have a report, and at some point I define a default style for the report. I would expect the settings for this style to 'cascade' onto every/any report element for any style property not specifically defined.



So, if the default fontName is now 'Tahoma', then I would expect a field that does NOT have the fontName attribute set to show 'Tahoma' in the font properties dialog.



But that doesn't happen - I get SansSerif :unsure:



Furthermore - it doesn't work right with crosstabs. Even if the style is applied to the crosstab, I found I also had to set the fonts etc. on the crosstab cell to get it to show right. (I know - that's not specifically an iReport issue, but it is a fact that iReport does not show the prevailing style/font. Once the default style is set, I think that it then works correctly for new report elements.



I am sure this must be catching out others that are trying to work with different character sets/fonts.

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