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Executing a procedure with some report results


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Hi all!


I'm new to JasperReports and I've been using it for a month now without any major problems. Now I ran into one I can't solve.


For the purpose of some kind of custom SELECT auditing I have to call a procedure (INSERT some records) from the result set into the database. I'm using JDeveloper and have a method for shoving reports that loads compiled report from some location, fill the report with some parameters and export report to PDF.


Is there a way somewhere in between to get the result sets from the report, because I would need the values of one column from every record shown in my report, and than call some stored procedure with this values?


Thank you in advance!


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Brokenbone wrote:

Is there a way somewhere in between to get the result sets from the report, because I would need the values of one column from every record shown in my report, and than call some stored procedure with this values?


Try using a scriptlet, which would give you access to the report field values.




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Hi Lucian!


Thanks for your suggestion but I'm pretty new to Java too. :blush:

I've red the documentation on scriptlets and tried to run the scriptlet example from the samples page. I can't get even this working. When I compile the report without changing it it anyhow I get the ClassNotFoundException. Even if I set the Scriptlet property of the document to Use iReport internal scriptlet support, I still have the same error. Found the thread with the same problem on forum but without a solution.


Maybe you can point me to some more information on this subject, where could I read some more about Scriptlet property for example, Scriptlet class, maybe some other example or tutorial.




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Hi Lucian!


I've somehow created a scriptlet class which I've compiled in my JDeveloper ViewController project. The problem I now have is the access to the DB to call a stored procedure. Jdev has application module for this, but I can't get a reference to it from my scriptlet class. (Probably the class that is referenced from jasper report has another session or something like this?)


Is there a way to get the DB connection in scriptlet class and call DB procedure directly, without the reference to the Model project. I hope I make myself clear enough to get some suggestions.



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I'm not sure I understand your question (maybe because I don't know anything about JDeveloper).


Which DB connection do you want to get hold of in the scriptlet? If it's the report connection, all you have to do is


Connection connection = (Connection) getParameterValue(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION);




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Thank you for your help. I've made this work a little different. For someone using JDeveloper it might give some idea if he/she runs at a similar problem. I didn't use any connections, I just wrote the information I need to ProcessScope parameters, which I then used in the class where my report gets filled. This way I can use any ADF/BC elements including application module.


Take care!


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