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Report Painting slow on Mac OS X Leopard


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I have an app that generates an invoice and I preview it from within my application. It works fine on Tiger and paints incredibly slow when using Leopard. It is slow using 1.3.4 and 2.0.2.


The report has an png image in the title area. When I remove the image from the report it paints normally. Apparently, there is some change to Leoaprd's Java that is effecting the image paint performance. At least the paint call that JasperReports uses.


Anyone else noticed this?

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Sorry I don't have Leopard, the only thing I know is that they replaced their Quarz-based Java2D pipeline with Sun's Software pipeline to be more consistent and ccompatible.


The only advice I can give you is to ask at java-dev@lists.apple.com where typically java-apple-developes (the guys who created the apple java port) are very friendly and try to help a lot for mac related porting problems.


btw. what does a profiler say if you profile it?


lg Clemens

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The image was actually a JPEG and it was 1200x418 pixels. The report was scaling it down to 195x70 (note the 'real' ratio should have been 195x68).


I scaled the image down in PhotoShop to 195x68 and change the image element to be the same dimensions. The report now renders and scrolls just fine.


So it appears either Leopard's scaling algorithm is now very slow, or slow when the ratio isn't right (compared to how tiger did it).


Also, it begs the question of whether Jasper is caching the image or having it scaled every time. And should Jasper really even have to care?

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As far as I know the Quarz pipeline used in Tiger was capable of doing scaling in hardware, whereas the new Sun-pipeline is software only :-/ - I know at least another report (not related to jasperreports) where a user reported he has now performance problems with his image-based drawing while it worked fine with Tiger.


I would just file a bug-report at Apple, I know its nerving but it really helps improving their products ^^


lg Clemens

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