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Group expression firing incorectly


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I have a report which has multiple groups in it. Each group has a different groupExpression. I have found that if group 1 fires, groups 2 and 3 will also fire and in turn if group 2 fires (not group 1), group 3 will fire (They are all in sequence in the jrxml). It appears that when ever a group fires, the groups following do not have their groupExpression evaluated.


Has any one else seen this?

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StimpyCat wrote:

Hmmm, is there any way to get around this? Seems strange to have an expression for each group, yet to ignore it.


Report groups are hierarchical by nature and there's no way to go around this.


If you explain what you're trying to achieve, maybe someone would come up with an alternative solution. Also, you can post a feature request if you think JR should improve the way it handles groups.




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nitin403 wrote:

Hi, lucianc
This post is making me confused.

Can u explain this with an small example.
what does "when a group breaks all the groups underneath it also break" means.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Small example:


Let's say we have the following data source:


f1 | f2 | f3
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 3


If you create two groups in your report, the first grouping by f1 and the second by f2, you will get the following output

f1 group header
f2 group header
detail #1
detail #2
f2 group footer
f1 group footer
f1 group header
f2 group header
detail #3
f2 group footer
f1 group footer




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