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Virtualizer Customization


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I am working with Jasper server based reports in my current application. Since have a huge dataset of more than 500,000 records that are returned from DB2 database, the Jasper print object that got generated is pretty big (around 1.63GB). When I tried to show the report in Jasper viewer, it throws OutOfMemoryException on windows desktop. I do not have the privilege of increasing the JVM heap space, according to the available physical memory. Hence, I came up with an idea of configuring the virtualizer that the Jasper server uses, if any, so that I can ask the Jasper server to give me only 5 pages of records every time. We needed your help in knowing how to do this job.




1. Does Jasper server use any type of virtualizer by default? If yes, which one does it use?


2. How do we configure/customize the parameters of virtualizer, if any, in Jasper server? For example, we want to set the initial page size, initial batch size of records etc for the virtualizer used by Jasper server.






Please respond as quickly as possible.


Thanks In Advance!!!

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I can tell you now that you should stop generating reports with 500 000. I have reports with 25000 lines and that takes 30 seconds to generate imagine how long it will take for your report to generate.


Second 1.6GB being swapped on you Harddisk will make the compile time even longer.


If I was you I would really create a selection on your query.

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san25 wrote:

Hence, I came up with an idea of configuring the virtualizer that the Jasper server uses, if any, so that I can ask the Jasper server to give me only 5 pages of records every time.


I think you misunderstand what JasperReports virtualizers do. A virtualizer swaps JasperPrint pages (that would normally be kept in the Java heap) to external data storages, such as the file system.


I don't understand how you expect the server to give you only 5 pages of records every time, but I don't think a virtualizer does that.




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