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MySQL Dates and Calendar Input Contol


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What is the best practice for dealing with the 'feature' that returns dates from the Calendar Java-style (and, if it is intentonal, why does iReport handle it differently than JasperServer)?


I assume handling this in SQL as some suggested is really bad for performance.


Do I set a default parameter value that converts? Can/do I create a variable that converts the prompt value and se the variable in the report (and are things calculated in a sequence that allows this)?


Is there a step by step guide to dealing with this (for dummies. like me)?



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nothing is wrong in JasperServer - didn't mean to sound critical.


The Calendar control in JasperServer returns a date in a java format that MySQL cannot use without reformatting - iReport's calendar prompt returns a date that does work with MySQL.


The question can be rephrased as "what is the cleanest way to use a JS 2.01 Calendar control as a prompt for a report on a MySQL source?"



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The cleanest way would be to only use date values (and never explicitely format/parse dates to String) by create a java.util.Date parameter in the report, using it in the query via a $P{..} placeholder, and defining a date input control for it in JasperServer. The JRXML would contain something like


<!-- JRXML -->
<parameter name="DateParam" class="java.util.Date" isForPrompting="true"/>
<queryString>SELECT ... WHERE date_column = $P{DateParam}</queryString>


If this doesn't work in JasperServer, it's a bug. In this case, please provide enough information so that we'd be able to replicate it.




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