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Element Grouping Re-ordered on Reopen


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In my report i have some 20 or so elements arranged in four rows. i have grouped all the elements in each row together so that there are totally four element groups. And i set the stretch property for all these elements to Stretch Relative to Tallest Object. Now, depending upon the element size, the other elements resize themselves so that each row remains the same size, that is the size of the largest element in that row.


Here is my Problem.


1) After i save the report and close it and re-open it, i find that the element grouping is messed up, instead of four element groups, there appears to be 8 or 9 groups, with incorrect grouping. this causes the rows to be messed up.


2) If any element streches over to the next page, i noted that the other elements in the row stretch only till the end of the first page. is there anyway i can make them stretch to the next page too?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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In my report i have some 20 or so elements arranged in four rows. i have grouped all the elements in each row together so that there are totally four element groups.


When you say "i have grouped all the elements in each row together...",


How exactly are you 'grouping' the elements? Are you creating 'Groups' for each element, or are you simply placing the elements adjacent to each other to form a 'row'?


Could you send your source? (.jrxml) It would be more helpful in solving the issue...

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I'm not sure why you are losing your 'Element Grouping' structure. This could very well be a bug. (i don't know)


If any element streches over to the next page, i noted that the other elements in the row stretch only till the end of the first page. is there anyway i can make them stretch to the next page too?


Change the stretch type to 'Relative to Band Height'...?

It might work.

I would also test using the 'Print when Detail Overflows' option enabled/disabled.


If all else fails, try moving your elements to other bands and see if you get the same behavior. That's about the best I can come up with.


Hope it helps.

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