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SUBREPORT_DIR and Sub-SubReports


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I am using iReport 2.0.0 in conjunction with JasperReports 1.3.4.


I have a master report, which three subreports. One of these subreports has an embedded subreport. All of the .jasper files reside in the same directory.


iReport generated the parameter called SUBREPORT_DIR, which defaults to ".\". The subreportExpression expresses the subreport filename as ![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "subreport.jasper"].


Everything works great when the report is generated from within iReport. But, I have a small Java applet that I am trying to use to generate reports. I pass a SUBREPORT_DIR parameter to JasperFillManager.fillReport(String sourceFileName, Map parameters, Connection connection). This SUBREPORT_DIR is set to the directory in which the master report is located.


fillReport throws an exception:


net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : .sub-subreport.jasper.


It appears that the first subreport is trying to process it's subreport, but the SUBREPORT_DIR is not being resolved, or used properly to generate the name of the sub-subreport.


Is there something I'm missing? How should this scenario be handled?

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The subreport_dir parameter is a relative path, and if u set it to "" it actually means that the subreport jasper file is in the same folder as the main report. So make sure that you put the sub-report file in the same folder as the main report and pass "" as the parameter value.
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This still does not work in my case.


I have my .jrxml/.jasper files in one directory. When I launch iReport by double clicking on the main report file, I can generate the report, with the subreports and the one sub-subreport.


My Java Swing application is currently run from my Eclipse workspace project directory, so the workspace is the current directory for the JVM when my app is launched. I prompt the user for various options related to running the report, including using a JFileChooser to let the user select any JasperReport they want to run.


I set up my Map object with the various parameters, and include a SUBREPORT_DIR key in the Map passed to JasperFillManager.fillReport(String {full path to main .jasper report file}, Map {myMap}, Connection {mySqlConnection}). The value for the SUBREPORT_DIR is the directory where the main report is located.


If I remove the sub-subreport from the one subreport, everything is generated correctly, so it appears that the SUBREPORT_DIR value is being used to load the primary sub-reports. But, if my one subreport includes the sub-subreport, this SUBREPORT_DIR value is not being used or evaluated, as I get an exception stating that the sub-subreport file cannot be located, and the directory prefix for the sub-subreport is the value encoded within the subreport's .jrxml/.jasper file.

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oh okay.. i got it. from the main report to your first subreport, pass the subreport variable as a parameter expression--subreport properties-->add parameter. and i guess you'd better pass it from the first Subreport to the Second subreport too. in my case i just tried with null values for the locations in all three reports and it worked when i passed the variable from the first to the second.
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