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Pros & cons - query in report template & beans


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Hi all,


I'm a newbie to JasperReports, in our application we are using JasperReports 1.3.4, Hibenate 3.1 and Spring 2.0.2.


Basically, I like to know the pros and cons of having query in report template and beans.


I ran some tests by referring the JasperReport samples.


When I pass the datasource with only one bean as list to JasperFillManager, the report was successfully generated.. Here is the piece of code



CustomerDAO customerDao = (CustomerDAO) context.getBean("customerDAO");


List customerList = customerDao.findAll();

JRBeanCollectionDataSource dataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(customerList);




JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(CustomerReport.jasper", params, dataSource);




But, when I passed more than one beans as follows, it fails with "Error retrieving field value from bean"..here is the code snippet




CustomerDAO customerDao = (CustomerDAO) context.getBean("customerDAO");

List customerList = customerDao.findAll();

StudyDAO studyDao = (StudyDAO) context.getBean("studyDAO");

List studyList = studyDao.findAll();

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();



JRBeanCollectionDataSource dataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(list);




JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(CustomerReport.jasper", params, dataSource);




I would like to know, how to pass more than one beans into DataSource.


From my understanding, the included beans in datasource is not reachable to the Report generator engine..


Can I have the query inside the bean instead of having in report template, and pass the query list as datasource.


Please, give some tips what I am doing wrong..Or Am I in wrong track?


Thanks in advance.

Rameshkumar Ramasamy

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No wonder. You are putting two totally different beans into your collection.



You are putting study and customer beans into the same list which is just screaming for problems in jasperreports. There is a field that exists in the study bean and not in the customer bean.


If you want to display two different bean lists then create 2 subreports. 1 for each bean and then put those two sub reports in the main report.

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Hi Martynhiemstra,


Thanks for your reply. Since those tho beans (Customer and Study) has associations, I able to get the report by firing a single query using joins.


Now, the trick is. I have an ApplicationContext.xml file, which loads a list of hbm.xml files. I need to leverage these set of beans to the suitable datasource of JasperReports.


So then, the ReportEngine can use the needfull beans. Is it a valid approach to populate the list of beans to JasperReport, at one shot? Please give some tips or URLs related on this.


I looked at the org.springframework.ui.jasperreports.JasperReportsUtils class, but this may not be suitable for the usage of applicationContext.xml level.


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Rameshkumar Ramasamy.

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