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pageFooter is not on the... page footer!?!?


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I have a report (html report) in Jasper, generated with a XML file. Here's the file:



[file name=generator.xml size=19352]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/generator.xml%5B/file]



There`s some info on the page footer band: system name, login info, time, and page number. The problem is: when I generate the html report, the page is ending before the actual page end. I mean, it's like this:






It should be like this:






Don`t know why is Jasper switching pages earlier than he should do. He are receiving a lot of compaining from our clients, and I need to resolve this problem :(




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I don't know if this will solve your problem but try and set Floating Column Footer as checked in Report Properties.


You can also modify the xml file directly and add this line isFloatColumnFooter="true" in the <jasperReport> tag at the top.

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