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odd font display problem (iR 1.3.2) - STYLES?


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I'm new to the forum and relatively new to iReports. I am having an odd problem with some reports designed by another developer in my team. When he runs the reports (on the server or on his workstation, viewing either as PDF or using the JasperViewer), everything displays fine. However, when *I* try to open the reports on my workstation (again, either as PDF or with the JasperViewer), a bunch of the fields don't display.


I've isolated the problem to the font. The reports are using San Serif 10pt. I can't see why that font wouldn't work on my own workstation, but if I go into the report and switch to Arial (or some other font) then the reports display fine.


What I am curious about (and too new to the product to know) is if this is a quirk within my OWN workstation, something weird within iReports, or if this is something that could be an issue when we deploy these reports to customers. In other words, do I tackle the problem by changing all the report fonts to Arial or do I tackle it by checking for font issues on my own PC?


FYI, I've done a search through the archives to see if I can find any threads on this topic, but either I'm not using good search terms or it hasn't been discussed. If this is a repeat, please accept my apologies!


Thanks in advance for any advice! :)



Post edited by: racerzack, at: 2007/05/03 21:01

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Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I am not actually sure why you're experiencing this font display problem.

At any rate, Id suggest that you do the following:

1. Check your system font list. Sans Serif should be in your list since it's a common font, but check if you have it anyway.

2. Compare your version of iReport to the one that the developer of the report used. A difference in versions may give you a clue on what the cause of the problem is. I'd recommend that you check or compare your settings... it might just be some minor thing on your side... minor things are easy to overlook. :)

3. If all other simple tests fail, you might want to consider uninstalling and reinstaling iReport. You may also consider installing an older version (2 - 3 versions back) and test you report with it. However, this should be one of your last courses of action.


I hope this would, in a way, help you find the solution to your problem. When you do, don't forget to post the actual cause and the solution that resolved it. It may help others with the same or similar problem.




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