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Global Date Format pattern


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In my product, we have common date format. I want to set the same global date format for all the date fields in all the jasper Reports.


I have observed that the JasperReports 1.3.2 have some new features to set the format factory. I tried it, but could not make it work.


Here is the details:


I have extended the DefaultFormatFactory and implemented my date format if the pattern is null. Basically I want to apply the global pattern if the specific pattern is not mentioned in JRXML.


public class XFormatFactory extends DefaultFormatFactory{

public java.text.DateFormat createDateFormat(java.lang.String pattern, java.util.Locale locale, java.util.TimeZone timezone)
java.text.DateFormat formattor = null;
if (pattern == null)
//In real code, I'll get the
//format from configuration
formattor = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSSZ"«»);
return formattor;
return super.createDateFormat(pattern, locale, timezone);


Then I have created an instance of the above Class and set as the formattor in the report parameters that I pass to the JasperFillManager.fillReport() API.

[code]XFormatFactory jasperFormatFactory = new XFormatFactory();
finalReportParameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY, jasperFormatFactory);


I debugged my code in Eclipse, the JasperReports is not calling my formattor class for the Date fields.

Do I miss anything?

Is there a way to set the global date format for all the date fields in the jasperReports?


Thanks in Advance,


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Hi Lucian,

I really appreciate the quick response.

I have attached the testReport.jrxml, which has only one field that displays the current date [new Date()].

I just want that date to be in the global format that I set in the formattor. I do not want to specify the pattern for each field in the report, which is difficult to loaclize.


Thanks a lot,

Raffi [file name=testReport.jrxml size=2304]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/testReport.jrxml[/file]

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Still works fine for me (see the attached PDF).


Can you check again your application's classpath to make sure you don't have two JR jars on it, and your code to make sure you actually set the parameter? Otherwise, post a full sample (including Java code to run the report), because I have no clues on why it doesn't work for you.



Lucian [file name=testReport_0_0.pdf size=1197]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/testReport_0_0.pdf[/file]

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Thanks for testing it. That might be the reason, I just downloaded 1.3.2 today. i'll double check the classpath, test it and post the results by tommorrow.


BTW, thanks to you guys for introducing that capabilities in JR1.3.2 :)


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You are right, I had 2 jars in one place :(

After deleting that it worked :)


One small change I did in my code. The pattern is coming as empty string instead of null. So I have added the check for null and empty string.

It is working perfectly.


public class XFormatFactory extends DefaultFormatFactory{

public java.text.DateFormat createDateFormat(java.lang.String pattern, java.util.Locale locale, java.util.TimeZone timezone)


java.text.DateFormat formattor = null;

if (pattern == null)


//In real code, I'll get the

//format from configuration

formattor = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSSZ"«»);

return formattor;




return super.createDateFormat(pattern, locale, timezone);





Thanks a lot,


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