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Print subreport horizontal


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Please can someone help me:(

I've have a masterreport that is printed vertically and in it I have a subreport that is suppossed to be horizontally printed unfortunately it is also printed vertically.

How can I print the subreport horizontally or is it not possible.

I have gone through the forum looking out for a solution but didin't succeed.

Hopefully someone out the will answer my question which I'm stuck on for along time now.



Thanks in advance.


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Hallo acer,

To print a subreport horizontally just use the Tag printOrder="Horizontal".

My problem why it did work was because I gave the <subreportExpression> as relative Path instead of absolute path.

I hope this helps



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  • 3 months later...

I don't really get it, how can you change the print order of a subreport by changing the SubreportExpression to include a relative path ?


My main report has a vertical print order, and I have just included a subreport that prints a list of elements horizontally, except when it is included in the main report. It's printed vertically.

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Well personally I know you can do this to make your main report print horizontally, but if you have selected the wrong data from the subreport - and even though the subreport is set to print horizontally - you could be trying to fix the wrong problem, if the problem is really the datasource and the way the data is retrieved (it could display in the wrong way). Currently I am trying to solve a problem related to how data is retrieved.
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How is it possible to successfully retrieve a subset from an XML datasource, without having the first element to repeat itself all over?


The problem is no longer horizontal printing.


I know I have different values in my dataset and I need an xpath expression that successfully retrieves n nodes with different amound of (sub)values, starting from the root I have defined as a parameter to the subset (when setting the datasource expression)


What I did was to set an attribute on each subset, so that I select out only the subset with @id='1' for instance ... but little did it help. As all subsets with concurrent id's are retrieved. I am fresh out of ideas.


I did something like /root/mydata[@id='1'/subset]


mydata[@id=2] has another amount of subset, but my expression selects out all mydata elements.



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  • 4 months later...


I tried what you said, but I still have the exception:

"Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow."

I read from somewhere that is because a horizontal printing :S

by the way, I'm using jasperreports-1.2.5 as a tecnology restriction.

Can somebody help me??


codyjasperForge wrote:

From inside the subreport (active window is subreport)

Choose -> Edit -> Report Properties -> Print Order -> Horizontal...

Does this help at all?
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