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Text field does not stretch to band height


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I have a template where the detail band contains several text boxes in a vertical alignment. They are all organized with the first one being 'fixed' and the others below 'floating'.

My problem is with the last textbox that contains dynamic amount of text. To accomodate dynamic text, i've set the properties to






When the box is filled with text at the end of the first page, it overflows to the next, BUT , in this new page it prints only uptil the height of the textfield , which is '260' . The rest of the page is left blank and the overflow moves on to the next page, again printing uptil '260' height and leaving the rest blank.

As you can imagine, the final report looks really wierd.


I've tried this with several combinations of stretchType = "NoStretch" and stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject". It continues to do the blank half page during overflow of textfield.


How do i fix this ? I've also attached the jrxml file to this message. thanks in advance.


[file name=TelephoneLog_Template.jrxml size=77345]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/TelephoneLog_Template.jrxml[/file]

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