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Excel and column stretch


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I'm trying to make a JasperReport in iReport that will exclusively be used to export to MS Excel.


How can i make the report stretch every column to fit the data (width)?


I just want to drop every column on the report without having to change the width for every one of them. I understand this would be a problem for a PDF export with the page width and all, but this is an Excel only report.


Thank you.

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It's very easy to design such reports with excel sheet.

I sending a xml file along with an excel sheet. If you go though it. you can easily get rid of such problem.




Thanks for the help. But after looking at the xml i noticed that you made the width of your fields wide enough to contain the data. Correct me if i'm wrong. My intention was to let the columns stretch automatically.

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Dear there is no way to let stretch it automaticlly.

but you can stretch it down after taking enough width.

I just show that way.....

step1:- First go the text field property.

step2:- then select "Text Field" tab and select stretch with overflow.

step3:- now select "Common" tab. There select Print when detail overflows and from stretch type select relative to tallest object.


wiht best regard

Yogesh Nagle.

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  • 3 years later...

I am using the following in case of XLS reports:

- add custom property to the report:
net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text = true (to prevent data truncating)
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type = true (to enable later other data manupulation within the XLS)
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background = false (I dont like white color) :-)

Basicaly, just design the average column width and the net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text will take care that no data is lost.

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