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automatic data loading with JasperETL


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I would like to know how to schedule data loading from a data base to a data warehouse. For example, I would like that every monday at 8 am new data of the database are loaded into the datawarehouse. That's a very important point of BI and I don't find how to execute it. I'm using JasperETL. This software is pretty good but is it possible to program it to do automatic loading? I saw the "schedule" menu but I don't think it is the good way. (What is it for??)

Or do I have to get the perl code generated by JasperETL and to integrate it in my application?

Please, if you have the response, light my way!



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I forward you the response from the Talend forum.




Yes, of course, there are different ways to schedule your Talend jobs.


The first and easier way, if you are under Windows platform, is to extract your Job(click-right on your job in the repository), it makes an archive files in which there are all files to execute the job.

Test your job with "file".bat, if it's works, create a planified task (Run -> Parameter -> Control panel -> Planified tasks), in this tool you can specify the day, the frequency of this execution.


If you work under linux or if you have a CRON tool program, you can choose the integrated Scheduler of Talend Open Studio (view near "Run Job" view) to schedule your execution and generate a CRON line command, then you put this in your CRON Table, and it's works.


Good luck.




Thanks to Cantoine from Talend team.



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