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ireport and ingres


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I have recently installed ingres DBMS onto my laptop and decided to install ireport to create some simple reports.


I had created a database with Ingres and tried to create a connection in ireport, however when I test the connection I get an exception with a message saying that I need to enter a username and password.


The message is:

SQL problems: A user ID and password are required to establish a connection.


I haven't added any username or password to Ingres and can freely access my database without entering any.

Any advice on this would be very greatly appreciated.




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This is just to say that I'm not restricted to using ingres.


If anyone can provide the details to create a connection to a MS Access database then that would also be appreciated...........anything that will allow me to actually start using ireport.


Many Thanks


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Thanks for your reply j


Unfortunately my knowledge of ireport is so limited that I don't know the answer to your question.


It's very frustrating not being able to use it for the lack of something apparently so insignificant.


I actually have the manual at work but was not able to work out how to get around my problem.


Hopefully I'll have it solved soon as there must be a few people who have already managed to connect to ingres..............and one will post the solution.


Many Thanks


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