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identify referenced subreports


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Hello all,


I want to store my report definitions in a database with access for multiple users.

There will be concurrent access (upload/update, compilation, run, delete) to the report definitions.

To ensure consistency between main- and subreports locking/allocation/copying of reportdefinitions to the beginning of the report generation is neccessary to avoid inconsistencies/locks.


So i need to determine, which reports are used by the main report.

I want to put the used JasperReport objects to a hash associated to the current reporting run to avoid them to change.

As i don`t want to write my own parser, i tried to overload JRVerifier/verifySubreport (see 4).


Too bad that this method is private.

Is there a deeper reason not to declare it protected ?

Or is there a recommended way to find out my specific subreport references ?

(i have tried to use a manipulated JRXmlWriter. It works, but uses a lot of space and time to get rid of the written xml)


Thanx in advance,




(1)The snippet from the referencing main.jrxml


<subreport isUsingCache="true">










<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport">






(2)The Subreport Resolver


public class SubReportResolver {

// stub implementation for testing with iReport

public static JasperReport getReport(String name) throws JRException{

String basePath="......\resources\jasper\";

String ext=".jrxml";

System.out.println("Compiling "+name);

return MyCompileManager.compileReport(basePath+name+ext);






(3)Overloaded Compiler Manager


public class MyCompileManager extends JasperCompileManager {

public static JasperReport compileReport(String sourceFileName) throws JRException


JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(sourceFileName);

// c should contain accessed JasperReport objects (and maybe errors of cause)

Collection c = MyVerifier.verifyDesign(jasperDesign);

return compileReport(jasperDesign);





(4)Overloaded Verifier


public class MyVerifier extends JRVerifier {


protected MyVerifier(JasperDesign jrDesign, JRExpressionCollector expressionCollector)





public static Collection verifyDesign(JasperDesign jasperDesign, JRExpressionCollector expressionCollector)


// copied from base class

MyVerifier verifier = new MyVerifier(jasperDesign, expressionCollector);

return verifier.verifyDesign();



private void verifySubreport(JRSubreport subreport)


// access subreport and put it to a save haven

// subreport.getExpression().getText() matches SubReportResolver

System.out.println("Verifiying "+subreport.toString());



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