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Need table of fixed size in detail block


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In detail block, will have a table of fixed size and according to the records dynamically generated will be displayed in the table.


In my case the table height is depending on the number of records. If records are 2 table height is ending there itself, the table should not end there itself it has to maintain fixed size regardless the number of records.

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The simplest way to force the detail section to be a fixed size is to bind your query to a table of fixed size.



1) Create a table with the numbers 1 to n, where n is the total number of rows you require.



2) Alter your existing report query so that it is LEFT JOINed to the table, like this:



Oracle example:



, b.*


, ("select ROWNUM, field1, field2

from yourtable1, yourtable2

where yourtable1.key=yourtable2.key") b





MySQl example:



, b.*


LEFT JOIN (SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum

, t.*

FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r

, ("the original query") t

) b

ON a.DUMMY_NUMBER=b.rownum;




3) Add a field in the detail section to hold the new DUMMY_NUMBER field that forces all the required rows. Set its width to zero (0) so that it doesn't display.



4) Make sure all the other fields have the "Remove line when blank" setting unchecked, and the "Blank when null" setting checked. Add borders as required.




That should get you out of trouble.

Post edited by: jmurray, at: 2007/01/19 10:14

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