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Curing Slow Startup


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After installing iReport 1.2.7 the startup time was in the order of minutes. It turns out that iReport checks for updates on startup, so if you are sitting behind a proxy server or don't have access to the Internet then you'll suffer the delay.


To overcome the problem you can do one of two things:


1) Disable the update check

Once iReport starts up go to Options - Configure Plugins and select "Check for iReport Updates...". Uncheck the "Check for update on iReport startup" option and Save.


2) Set a proxy address

Open <iReport install dir>/bin/startup.sh or startup.bat. Edit the line at the end of the file that starts with "java" and add the following parameters before "it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.mainFrame"



proxyHost=<address of your proxy host>

proxyPort=<your proxy's http port>



startup.bat example:


java -cp "%IREPORT_CLASSPATH%" -Direport.home="%IREPORT_HOME%" -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=vproxydet.cache.det.nsw.edu.au -Dproxyhost=80 -Djava.security.policy="%IREPORT_HOME%/policy.all" -Xms24m -Xmx512m it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame %*


NOTE: The startbar shortcut for 1.2.7 points directly at iReport.exe by default, bypassing startup.bat. Edit the shortcut so that the target is iReport.bat instead.



startup.sh example:


java -classpath "$IREPORT_CLASSPATH:$CLASSPATH" -Direport.home="${IREPORT_HOME}" -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=vproxydet.cache.det.nsw.edu.au -Dproxyhost=80 -Djava.security.policy="${IREPORT_HOME}/policy.all" it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame "$@"

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