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help,why my report has no data?


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asumoto wrote:

try to test your connection between ireport and your oracle db in connection properties. Does the connection linked successfully?

first,thanks for your reply and best regards to u.

yes,the connection links successfully. and the report result is attached: [file name=1.html size=24681]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/1.html[/file]

as you see,the data for the group feild (managerrolegroup_id) is shown but others is null,i do not find the reason.

wait for your reply and thanks.

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bklawans wrote:

It looks like you are getting the data back, its just not being displayed. Trying making the text fields a bit bigger - if they are too short to display the value in the current font they get suppressed.



thanks a lot to bklawans and to every replier.bklawans is right,after i enlarged the font size of the no-data fields the data showed.

bklawans good greeting to you.can i have your msn? my msn is jacky_6143@hotmail.com.

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