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Another subreport issue


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Hello everyone!


Well, I will try to explain my issue, if you don't understand or think I need to specify more, please reply asking for info.


I have a report that calls 13 subreports inside it, lets call this the mainReport.

I have the first 2 subreports in Title band, cos one is the Cover and another is a Text, its working fine.


I made a group to put the other reports in its Header, the group is called subreport.


Well, here I have the other 11 reports. Some are just Images, and 2 of em are tables. The first table is ok, wherever I put it, it works, but I have a second table that is comming empty.


If I put it in the first line on this header, it shows, if I put it on title it works, but if it goes to its place (bottom of the header) it shows null. I tried checking its data, remaking the subreport, checking the dataset, all is ok! I tried to make a lot of groups and put one in each, didnt work :(


Im using an application that send the resultSet to the reports, not the connection.


Any clue on this issue?


Thanks a lot


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