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subreport with two different datasources!


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Hi everybody!


I was just playing around with iReport. I tried to create a report with a very simple subreport. But the point i'd liked to try was to fill the masterreport with subreports-data from a diffrent datasource.


So what i've done until now:


I create a report and a suitable subreport. When i created the subreport i choose a diffrent datasource in the dialog-field which definitely works because in the query-browser of the subreport i get the correct results from DB. So, the masterreport and the subreport compile correct and produce a correct report-output.


But when i try to run the masterreport with the subreport in it, filling of the report stops because of an sql-exception:


java.sql.SQLException: Invalid object name 'jsuser'. at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SQLDiagnostic.addDiagnostic(SQLDiagnostic.java:365)


This is clear for me, because he is trying to use the master-report database connection to retrieve the data for the subreport. I really don't know where and how i should change this behaviour.


I could solve this problem using a new Parameter creating a new JDBC:mysql connection to the correct database server and using this one in the subreports Connections Expression: $P{dbcon}.


Param dbcon:

java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver", "username", "password")


But i really don't like to put my username and password for my database hardcoded in the statement. So i tried to add a second parameter to the masterreport asking for the password and changed the dbcon as follows:


java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver", "username", "$P{dbPass}")


When i fill report it throws an exception because the connection was refused. I guess it is not possible to use a parameter in a paramter according to their diffrent initialization?


How can i get Subreports working with different datasources or how can i solve the problem with the parameter in my custom db-param.


I apologize for the long posting, but i hope anybody can help me with this problem!



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thx for your answer, but if i create the connection this way, he tries to connect to DB without password. When i write the following:


java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/jasperserver", "root", "$P{dbPass}"), he recognize that i try to connect to db with password, but i'm not able to establish a connection because of:


java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


So i think, in quotes the Parameter is not correctly interpreted and without the function doens'nt recognize the password.


Maybe a problem with the initialisation of the Parameters?


thx, stefan

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