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Missing subreports


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I'd like to know how to solve a problem like this:


I have a master report with 3 subreports. Each of them is printed depending on value of some fields from master report using printWhenExpression. As I use iReport I set the height of each subreport element to 1 px - to make as little blank space as possible when a report is not being displayed due to the printWhenExpression condition evaluation. The problem is that only the first subreport displays properly - the rest are missing. I set the two latter subreports positioning to float and the first one relative to top. And it surely is not because of their datasources because when I remove any two subreports form the master the trid one is displayed properly. In addition subreports may need more space than one page each. And they are all placed in detail band without any groups.


Maybe someone could give me some suggestions on how to make all of the subreports visible and to design their objects in master report so that they leave as little blank space as possible when they're not printed.


Thank you!




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Actually there's no need. I sovled it. I just made a group for each subreport where group changed when record number field in main report changed and I put each subreport in different group (made sense as each subreport was presenting detail information about each record).


Given this I could completely erease blank space if some details (and thus subreports) were unavailable thanks to band print when expression.


Thank you for your concern.




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