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Creating pivot tables

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: Stephen Hughes - srhughes

Creating pivot tables

2006-05-11 01:54

Hi, I would like to create a dynamic pivot table in iReport using a crosstab. I would like to pass parameters to the main report (using JasperServer) and then pass the parameters to the crosstab. I want to choose the fields to display in the left column, top row and then the rest of the table. So for example, I have a database showing sports sales in each quarter thoughout the year (by quarter). Sales can be in Tickets, Equipment or Training. What I want to do is have one report that can ask for the data to display (ie show a table with sport vs quarter with sales in the main table, or Equipment vs quarter with sales in the main table). This needs to be one report since I have many fields which I would like to compare.


Is there any way to do this in iReport? I have set up a crosstab already and can pass parameters, but the crosstab fields seem to remain static even when I change the input parameter.








By: Stephen Hughes - srhughes

RE: Creating pivot tables

2006-05-16 03:57

I solved this problem by using Groovy ternary statements, with a conditional string comparison statement to test if the parameter entered was "ABC". If this was true, then the bucket expression was $F{ABC}. Else, it was $F{XYZ}. Any number of conditions can be nested, although it gets rather long and difficult to manage. A switch may be better (if iReport supports this!)

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