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Two way to use parameters

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: Paolo - margamopa

Two way to use parameters

2006-04-05 00:06


I'm using IReport to create a simple report with a parameterized SQL query.

I know that it is possible use parameters in report in this way:


select name, author from book $P!{ParAuth}


where the parameter ParAuth has "" as default value, and in a java program I pass the parameter in this way:


HashMap parameters = new HashMap();

parameters.put("ParAuth"," where author='Dante'");



In this way it is ok, but how can I use parameter in form $P{ParAuth} (without '!' ) ?

If I use the query

select name, author from book where author=$P{ParAuth}

with default value "Dante" i have the result "The document has no page".

Thanks in advance.

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