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jasperserver API for logging an user


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By: mardaraj - mardaraj

jasperserver API for logging an user

2006-07-05 05:06

i have a application.and in this application i am fetching reports of an user of jasperserver.

so, i want to know whats the API are jasperserver using for a user to login.

also give me the idea whats the API using to fetch report of an user.






By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

RE: jasperserver API for logging an user

2006-07-05 06:25


We use the Acegi Security framework for authentication and authorization. Acegi can be configured to authenticate against a variety of authentication sources, such as LDAP. We also have a default authentication source that uses an internal database.


You can configure the object level security in JI to allow users access only to the reports and other resources that are relevant for their roles, or down to the individual user level. You can set the security for folders or individual reports, say.


The various browser UIs in the system call the repository API:






The lists of results are filtered to show only what objects the user has access to. The report browser wporks this way.









By: mardaraj - mardaraj

RE: jasperserver API for logging an user

2006-07-05 23:22

thank u Sherman,


your answer is some thing high level.

i am not getting about that.

in code level to login for an user is ----


UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);

setDetails(request, authRequest);

request.getSession().setAttribute("ACEGI_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME", username);

return getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest);


now tell me for fetching report of an user in code level and in which jar i will get this.

i want some idea.its urgent plz help me.


with regards




By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

RE: jasperserver API for logging an user

2006-07-06 06:00

In the new release, there is an example in RepositoryAction (war-jar).



List pathFolders = getPathFolders(folderURI);


List folders = repository.getSubFolders(null, folderURI);


FilterCriteria reportUnitCriteria = FilterCriteria.createFilter(ReportUnit.class);



List reportUnits = repository.loadResourcesList(reportUnitCriteria);



The list of reports that are available for the logged in user will be in the reportUnits variable.









By: spoorthi - spoo_anu

RE: Isolating Jasper Server from MySQL

2006-07-22 00:32

Dear All,


This is shivaraj here ,my problem is..


At the time of jasper server installation i want to isolate mysql database from Jasper server.


is there any new jasper server installable is available ?


If u have any solution will u plz let me know at spoo_anu@rediffmail.com


with thank and regards







By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh

RE: jasperserver API for logging an user

2006-07-26 13:24



There is not a way to have no interaction with the mysql database if you use the installer. The installer will attempt to connect to a database in order to create and populate the jasperserver database. However, this is the only database affected.


Alternatively, you can use the jasperintelligence-1.0.1-bin.zip which is a "stand-alone" war archive. You can use this in tomcat or jboss and then all of the database setup is done "by hand" using the instructions found in the doc jasperintelligence-WarFile-install-guide.pdf.



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