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Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????


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By: Daveb - jcm4101

Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-03 23:29



I've been trying to get JasperServer working for a little while now and am a little confused.....


Could someone please tell me, do I need both jasperserver AND jasper intelligence, or just jasperserver...


I am running Linux,mysql and tomcat as requested.


I have previously installed Jasperreports for SugarCRM with no real issues, and this runs FINE.


I have installed the previous version of jasper reports 0.9.whatever and had problems running it.(There's apost from me on here somewhere..)


I have just installed the latest version of Jasper Server and am now getting a totally different error message from tomcat, complaining of a missing file....


"HTTP Status 404 - /jasperserver/war/flow.html"


Which is indeed missing...



Anyone got any ideas??...I am willing to start from scratch again..







By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-03 23:41



i had the same problem with JasperReports 1.0.1, it seems to me that the file flow.html is missing. Then i installed the JasperIntelligence fron the war file. This works, with 2 little stumbling block:


1. you need the mysql-connector-java-3.1.11-bin.jar (or newer) in the common/lib directory of the tomcat


2. i must edit the jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity.sql file and change objectpermission to ObjectPermission, because the table objectpermission doesn't exists and so the import failes.


After this it works fine, but i also don't know what is the difference between Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver



best regards


Holger Koch



By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-04 11:42


MySQL for Linux is case sensitive for .sql files. We will create a jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity-windows.sql and a jasperserverCreateDefaultSecurity-linux.sql and update the documentation accordingly.


I'll look again at the JasperServer 1.0.1 war install to see why flow.html appears to be missing. Holger, could you also post your Tomcat log?











By: holgerkoch - holgerkoch

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-10 00:25

Hi Sherman,


unfortunately i can't post the tomcat log, because i delete the complete tomcat instance and create a new one for a test with Jasperintelligence. And this was successfully. It is up and running.

But i can remember, that there was a request on /jasperserver/war/flow.html with an returncode of 404. An complete search for flow.html was without success.



Best regards


Holger Koch



By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-04 11:33


If you are interested in reporting only, use JasperServer. JasperIntelligence is the full suite, with reporting and OLAP.


That "missing file" is not missing at all, I think. It is mapped to a Spring MVC controller and is part of Spring Web Flow, which we use for wizards etc. - see /WEB-INF/jasperserver-servlet.xml.


Can you post the Tomcat log messages? I suspect there were some during the startup.








By: Daveb - jcm4101

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-04 22:19




I also had same issues as Holgerkoch described with the case sensitivity of the table name in the script, but had edited the script and overcame this..


Here's my log as requested..

2006-07-05 12:37:24 WebappLoader[]: Deploying class repositories to work directory /tmp/catalina/work/Standalone/localhost/_

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardManager[]: Seeding random number generator class java.security.SecureRandom

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardManager[]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardWrapper[:default]: Loading container servlet default

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardWrapper[:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker

2006-07-05 12:37:24 HostConfig[localhost]: Expanding web application archive jasperserver.war

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at context path /jasperserver from URL file:/tmp/catalina/webapps/jasperserver

2006-07-05 12:37:24 WebappLoader[/jasperserver]: Deploying class repositories to work directory /tmp/catalina/work/Standalone/localhost/jasperserver

2006-07-05 12:37:24 ContextConfig[/jasperserver]: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardManager[/jasperserver]: Seeding random number generator class java.security.SecureRandom

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardManager[/jasperserver]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardWrapper[/jasperserver:default]: Loading container servlet default

2006-07-05 12:37:24 StandardWrapper[/jasperserver:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker



I hope it helps..


Thanx Guys..






By: Tide - lovetide

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-06 08:20

Why the jasperserver.war extracted from JasperServer-1.0.1-bin.zip contains a 'war' folder ?


F:SoftwareDevelopmentSourceForge.netJasperReports>jar -tvf "jasperserver server.war"

3600 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/cal/calendar-en.js

8851 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/cal/calendar-setup.js

5986 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/cal/calendar-win2k-1.css

49235 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/cal/calendar.js

10522 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/externalResource.htm

898 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/images/cal.gif

193 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/images/delete1.gif

925 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/images/first.gif

912 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/images/first_grey.gif

2118 Thu Jun 29 01:04:54 CST 2006 war/images/jaspersoft-logo.png




By: Daniel Miller - heres4

RE: Jasperintelligence - Jasperserver????????

2006-07-06 10:03

It looks like the jasperserver.war was not packaged correctly. If you drop it into the Tomcat webapps directory you'll get a directory structure something like this:


/<tomcat home>/webapps/jasperserver/war/...


I got it working by moving all files out of the war folder into the jasperserver folder. Then I had to remove the default context file (it was something like this):


/<tomcat home>/conf/Catalina/localhost/._jasperserver.xml


and finally restart the jasperserver application in Tomcat. Of course the other steps in the installation instructions (install MySQL, etc.) had to be completed as well.

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