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Static txt Sub Rpt not feeding into master

2004 IR Help

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By: Kat - travel_kat

Static txt Sub Rpt not feeding into master

2004-11-18 15:50



Trying to: Creating tickets using iReports for different customers. Each customer has different static text block which needs to be displayed on ticket, so set up sub-rpt which content is the text block for a specific customer. Is just static text in one field on the sub rpt. Sub rpt held in a text block band on Master Rpt.


1st Problem: Need to display text on first page of ticket and have it run onto the 2nd page.


2nd Problem: static text is very lengthy, can't create a band on the master with enough height to display all of the static text.


Anyone got any ideas on how to get around these problems? I know I could create static text as a PDF file and append to report pdf output before displaying in web browser (I think - not quite sure how to do it) but will mean static text not display on 1st page.....


Hope that makes sense...

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