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ERROR using scriptlet for chart ireport0.4.0

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By: Dennis H - dennisharsono

ERROR using scriptlet for chart ireport0.4.0

2004-10-28 23:22

To All,


I am trying to create a report using chart tool in ireport 0.4.0


This is the first time i tried to use this chart tool.


It seems that I can't get this to work at all..


I compiled the report (TestReport) with chart successfully and this produces TestReportScriptlet.class and TestReport.java


What do I do with these files?


I tried to add the .class file into the jasperreports-0.6.1, but also doesn't work.


I read in the previous thread about this, to go to View -> Report Properties -> 'Scriptlet' tab button -> Choose the 'Use this scriptlet class...' -> write the class name "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.TestReportScriptlet


But still also don't work..


There is also scriptlet editor (experimental).. Should I use this? And if I should what is to be written in there?


The error is:


Error:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error loading scriptlet class : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.TestReport


Helps are highly appreciated..



Kind Regards





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: ERROR using scriptlet for chart ireport0.4.0

2004-10-29 00:53

The class is only TestReportScriptlet, not net.sf.jasperreports.engine.TestReportScriptlet. iReport add automatically the dir where your jasper and your class is into the classpath to avoid Error loading scriptlet class. Please note the scriptlet JasperReports try to load is net.sf.jasperreports.engine.TestReport

instead of simply TestReportScriptlet. Correct it into the View -> Report Properties -> 'Scriptlet' tab button -> Choose the 'Use this scriptlet class...'

or simply select iReport scriptlet handling.


I hope this helps you.



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