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Working with XML datasource

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By: urmeli70 - urmeli70

Working with XML datasource

2004-07-27 01:14


since new Version XML datasource is supported. I tried to do a small example but I didn't make it work.

I defined datasource as XML-File and in Connection Properties the record path as /addressbook/category/person

I can't define the fields like explained in http://ireport.sourceforge.net/cap7.html#7.4, could someone give me a hint please?






By: LL - lovelyliatroim

RE: Working with XML datasource

2004-07-27 02:35

Have a look at this thread



in there, there is a link to download the actual .jrxml files from the example!!







By: urmeli70 - urmeli70

RE: Working with XML datasource

2004-08-13 03:28

Hi LL,

thanks for your reply.

I downloaded the ex and it works.


But still the question remains how to make the fields appear/enter in the lower half of the report query-window? The thing is, I tried a xml-datasourced report starting from the scratch on my own but can't define the field-list (when I load the ex the list is allready filled).


Thanks - Jan.





By: LL - lovelyliatroim

RE: Working with XML datasource

2004-08-13 03:35

better take a look at this Jan



that datasource is dropped!!

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