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Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

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By: Jen - jjkemp

Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-06 06:01

I have a report with 4 subreports, each defined in it's own group. But, I can only get 2 groups to print, because it fills up the first page. How do I get it to go to the next page? I have the margins on the subreports all set to 0 and have the subreports defined as float. What else am I missing?





By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1

2004-07-06 12:43

Have you put your fields of each subreport into its detailband? That's the only band that stretches dynamically, the other "pregiven" bands don't stretch. (just groupheader/footer I guess).


Perhaps try to play around with the "startgrouponnewpage" just to see, if the subreports do it's pagebreaks as needed. Perhaps they overlapp somehow.










By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-06 13:04

Yes, the subreport fields are in the detail band.

Tried the new page, and still only get 1.

Any other ideas?






By: Juan Ara - fi2net@Spain - laureke

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-07 01:10

Are u using JRDataSources? It that's, you should have them implementing JRRewindableDataSource.

Else, you should try to have some "dummy groups". IE:










You can have same group expresion for all your groups, I mean, if the main group you've is "purchaser" have the group in the dummy groups inside "purchaser" the same as "purchaser".


I hope that helps.


Juan Ara.





By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-07 07:05

I have removed one of the subreports, so that they all fit on one page. I have hard-coded the part number selection in the query of the main report to select 3 parts, which is the parameter passed to the subreports. I still only get one page, regardless.

Do I HAVE to have something in the detail of the main report in order for it to go to the next page?

I'm lost....







By: Juan Ara - fi2net@Spain - laureke

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-07 07:25

I think the problem is with float. When one report is too big it overlaps another one, but that only should happen on the same band.


Have you tried to have them fixed-on-top?


You can try to start a new page when the band exceeds page, switching band properties split allowed to false.


I've a report with 3 subreports and all goes nice for me. Here is what I've:


Shipment group

Container group


Shipment header: subreport 1 (Shipment details).

Container header: some fields

Detail: more fields

Container footer: small sumary for container.

Shipment footer: subreport 2 (shipment tax/payments)

Summary of the report: Subreport 3 (some legal info about the shipments).


I've all reports fixed on top, and shipment footer and summary hasn't split allowed, so when they don't fit on the remaining page they just "jump" next page.

That works fine for me, hope some ideas help.





By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-07 07:43

I didn't have the part in the group expression...







By: Juan Ara - fi2net@Spain - laureke

RE: Groups/Subreports... How do I get it > 1 page

2004-07-08 00:56

No problem m8. Congrats =)

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I am new to jasper report. I am creating a jasper report with the header band. i am displaying text field in the band when the customer id changes i want to display his group in the header band. from query only i can get customer group, passing customer id as parameter to sub report and mapped the sub report in the header band. when i am executing the report i am not getting report and gets designer page only.

Please suggest me.

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