This example shows how to configure a bar chart using simple configuration view. A similar panel is shown for charts that use one category, one series, and one measure and for charts that use one category and multiple measures.
Before you add a chart, consider the best way to display your data. Available chart types are listed in “HTML5 Chart Types”.
This example contains the following sections:
| A panel similar to the one in this section is used for the following chart types: Bar, Column, Line, Area, Spline, AreaSpline, StackedBar, StackedColumn, StackedLine, StackedArea, StackedSpline, StackedAreaSpline, StackedPercentBar, StackedPercentColumn, StackedPercentLine, StackedPercentArea, StackedPercentSpline, StackedPercentAreaSpline, SpiderColumn, SpiderLine, SpiderArea. |
Creating an HTML5 Chart
To create the report for the chart:
| 1. | Create a new, blank report using the Sample DB data adapter and the query: select * from orders. |
| 3. | Click |
| 4. | Delete all bands except for Title and Summary. |
| 5. | Enlarge the Summary band to 500 pixels by changing the Height entry in the Band Properties view. |
To create the chart:
| 1. | Click |
The HTML5 Chart Edit Dialog is displayed.
Chart Types |
| 2. | Select a chart type based on the information you want to display. See HTML5 Chart Types for help. You can use the menu at the left to restrict the selection to a particular type of chart. For this example, choose Bar. |
| 3. | Click the Data Configuration tab. This tab includes options for configuring chart dataset, chart properties, and hyperlinks. The options on this tab reflect the type of chart you selected. |
HTML5 Charts Properties > Chart Data > Configuration |
| 4. | Enter the expression you want to use for the categories. You can enter the expression directly, or click |
| • | Category Expression – $F{SHIPCOUNTRY}. |
| 5. | Enter the information you want for the series: |
| • | Series – This menu displays the default name of the series, for example, Series 1. If you want to change the name, use advanced configuration. |
| • | Value Expression – Enter the expression you want to use as a base for the measure calculation. For this example, use $F{Freight}. |
| • | Aggregation Function – Select the function to apply to the value expression. For this example, use Average. |
| • | Tooltip Expression – Enter an expression to display as a label for the measure. For this example, enter "Average Freight". |
| 6. | To preview the chart from inside the dialog box, click Show Chart Preview. |
A preview is displayed in the right of the dialog. This preview can take some time to load the first time it is run.
Preview in the HTML5 Chart Edit Dialog |
Configure the dataset:
| 7. | Click the Dataset sub-tab. This sub-tab lets you choose a dataset and dataset properties. This example uses the default [Report main dataset]. |
| 8. | You can optionally filter the dataset by entering an expression in the Increment expression text box. You can enter text directly or click |
$F{SHIPCOUNTRY}.startsWith("I") ||
$F{SHIPCOUNTRY}.startsWith ("S") ||
$F{SHIPCOUNTRY}.startsWith ("U")
| 9. | Click |
| 10. | Click OK to close the HTML5 Chart Edit dialog. |
A placeholder for the chart is inserted in design view of your report. The Design view of a report doesn't display live data for a chart.
| 11. | Save, then click the Preview tab to see your chart. To see an interactive preview, select HTML from the Preview drop-down. Hover over a bar to see the average freight. |
Bar Chart Example |
| The preview works best when you are using the same dataset as the main report. Parameters may not be applied and multiple levels or series may not display. |
Adding a Measure to a Bar Chart
Start with the HTML5 bar chart from the previous example to complete the following tasks.
| 1. | On the Design tab, double-click your chart, or right-click it and choose Edit Chart Properties. |
| 2. | In the HTML5 Chart Edit dialog, click the Data Configuration tab. |
| 3. | In the Measures section, click |
| • | Value Expression: $F{FREIGHT} |
| • | Aggregation Function: Average |
| • | Tooltip Expression: "Average Freight" |
| 5. | Save and preview the chart. |
Bar chart with multiple measures |
Formatting a Chart
You can set the HTML formatting of the chart using the Chart Formatting tab in the HTML5 Edit Charts dialog. Most of these properties can be set using an expression.
To add a title to an HTML5 chart:
| 1. | Double-click the chart or right-click and select Edit Chart properties. |
| 2. | Click the Chart Formatting tab. |
| 3. | Select Title on the left and enter your title in the Title text box. For this example, enter Orders and Freight by Country. You can also customize the alignment, position, color, and font. |
To change the position or layout of the legend:
| 4. | On the Chart Formatting tab of the HTML5 Chart Edit dialog, select Legend and set the following: |
| • | Floating Legend – true. |
Legend Properties |
| 5. | Expand Legend, select Legend > Sizes and Position, and set the location of the legend on the graph: |
| • | Horizontal Alignment – right. |
| • | Vertical Alignment – middle. |
| • | X offset – -6. This moves the legend inside the plot background color. |
| 6. | Select Legend > Items and set the following: |
| • | Items Layout – vertical. |
Click OK.
To set the chart's background color:
| 1. | On the Chart Formatting tab of the HTML5 Chart Edit dialog, select Chart. |
| 2. | Click the color wheel next to Background Color and select a color. For this example, enter #E9967A. This sets the background color of the whole chart. |
| 3. | Next, select Chart > Borders and Plot Areas. |
| 4. | Click the color wheel next to Plot Background Color and select a color. For this example, enter #FFFACD. This sets the background color of the plot area only. |
| 6. | Save and preview your report. |
Formatted report |
Creating a Hyperlink
| 1. | Double-click your bar chart or right-click and select Edit Chart properties. |
| 2. | Click the Data Configuration tab. |
Editing a hyperlink |
| • | Hyperlink Target – Top. |
| • | Hyperlink Type – Reference. |
| • | Hyperlink Reference Expression – "" + $F{SHIPCOUNTRY} |
| 6. | Click OK again to return to design mode. |
| 7. | Save and preview your report. In the HTML preview, click the bar for any country to open an page for that country. |
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