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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×
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    If you have searched through our available resources and still have questions related to your Jaspersoft products, you may want to submit a case to our Support team if you purchased an annual subscription to incident-based support or unlimited incident-based support. They can help you troubleshoot your issue, confirm a defect and log it with our Engineers, file a request for a new feature, etc.

    To submit a case, log into the Online Customer Portal (http://support.jaspersoft.com/), hover over the “Cases” link in the navigation bar, and click “Submit a Case”. You'll see a simple form. In your case description, please be sure to specify the following:

    The Jaspersoft product and version you're using (NOTE: update this information on the My Company’s Deployment Information page whenever possible)
    An appropriate Severity Level, as described HERE: (http://www.jaspersoft.com/support-definitions)
    Details about your environment (Operating System, Java version, application server, database, etc.)
    The exact steps Support must follow to reproduce the reported issue
    Information about any changes that were applied to your environment or application when the issue first appeared
    Attach any relevant files (ex: your JRXML template and/or your application log file*, stack trace, etc.)

    More recommendations for effective case preparation are available HERE: (http://www.jaspersoft.com/support-procedures)

    *NOTE: To obtain the most detailed information about your issue, you may be asked to set your logging level to “DEBUG”. For more information, see the following page in the Community Wiki: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/log4jproperties-jasperreports-server. To set “DEBUG” as the default logging level, change the value from log4j.rootLogger from “WARN” to “DEBUG”.

    NOTE: If you want to learn more about Jaspersoft’s Policies and Procedures concerning Support, please read this page: http://www.jaspersoft.com/policies-and-procedures

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