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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Visualize.js Guide. View the latest documentation.

    Depending on the size of your data, the report function can run for several seconds or minutes, just like reports in the JasperReports Server UI. You can listen for events that give the status of running reports and display pages sooner.

    This chapter contains the following sections:

    Tracking Completion Status
    Tracking Report Container Size
    Listening for Page Totals
    Listening for the Last Page
    Customizing a Report's DOM Before Rendering

    Tracking Completion Status

    By listening for the reportCompleted event, you can give information or take action when a report finishes rendering.

    visualize({    auth: { ...    }}, function (v) {    var report = v.report({         // run example with a very long report        resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/RevenueDetailReport",         container: "#container",         events: {            reportCompleted: function(status) {                alert("Report status: "+ status+ "!");            }        },        error: function(error) {            alert(error);          },    });});[/code]                    

    Tracking Report Container Size

    By listening for the responsiveBreakpointChanged event, you can track when the container size has been passed from one interval to another.

    visualize({    auth: {...    }}, function(v) {     let reportConfig = {         resource: "/public/ResponsiveReport",         container: "#container",         reportContainerWidth: getContainerWidth(),         events: {               responsiveBreakpointChanged: function(error) {                    if (error) {                        console.log(error);                        } else {                         report.destroy();                      // rerun report                                     reportConfig.reportContainerWidth = getContainerWidth();                         report = v.report(reportConfig);                            }                       }                    },                    error: (e) => console.error(e.message || e)            };            let report = v.report(reportConfig);            function getContainerWidth() {                  return document.getElementById("container").clientWidth;                    } });                [/code]                    

    Listening for Page Totals

    By listening for the changeTotalPages event, you can track the filling of the report.

    visualize({    auth: { ...    }}, function (v) {	var report = v.report({	    resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/AllAccounts",	    container: "#container",	    error: function(error) {		alert(error);		},	    events: {	        changeTotalPages: function(totalPages) {		    alert("Total Pages:" + totalPages);		}	    }	});});[/code]                    

    Listening for the Last Page

    Listening for the pageFinal event, lets you know when the last page of a running report has been generated.

    visualize({    auth: { ...    }}, function (v) {    var report = v.report({         // run example with a very long report        resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/RevenueDetailReport",         container: "#container",         events: {            pageFinal: function(el) {                console.log(el);                alert("Final page is rendered!");            },            reportCompleted: function(status) {                alert("Report status: "+ status+ "!");            }        },        error: function(error) {            alert(error);          },    });});[/code]                    

    Customizing a Report's DOM Before Rendering

    By listening for the beforeRender event, you can access the Document Object Model (DOM) of the report to view or modify it before it is displayed. In the example the listener finds span elements and adds a color style and an attribute my-attr="test" to each one.

    visualize({    auth: { ...    }}, function (v) {    // enable report chooser    $(':disabled').prop('disabled', false);    //render report from provided resource    startReport();    $("#selected_resource").change(startReport);        function startReport () {        // clean container        $("#container").html("");        // render report from another resource        v("#container").report({            resource: $("#selected_resource").val(),            events:{                  beforeRender: function(el){                    // find all spans                    $(el).find(".jrPage td span")                         .each(function(i, e){                               // make them red                               $(e).css("color","red")                                   .attr("data-my-attr", "test");                          });                                         console.log($(el).find(".jrPage").html());                }            }        });    };});[/code]                    

    The HTML page that displays the report uses a static list of reports in a drop-down selector, but otherwise needs only a container element. This is similar to the basic report example in Rendering a Report, except that the JavaScript above will change the report before it's displayed.

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script><!-- Provide the URL to visualize.js --><script src="http://bi.example.com:8080/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js"></script><select id="selected_resource" disabled="true" name="report">    <option value="/public/Samples/Reports/1._Geographic_Results_by_Segment_Report">Geographic Results by Segment</option>    <option value="/public/Samples/Reports/2_Sales_Mix_by_Demographic_Report">Sales Mix by Demographic</option>    <option value="/public/Samples/Reports/3_Store_Segment_Performance_Report">Store Segment Performance</option>    <option value="/public/Samples/Reports/04._Product_Results_by_Store_Type_Report">Product Results by Store Type</option></select><!-- Provide a container to render your visualization --><div id="container"></div>[/code]                    

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