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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide. View the latest documentation.

    JasperReports Server supports the following installations:

    Compact installation: The Repository, Audit, Access, and Monitoring tables are created in the repository database.
    Split installation: The Repository tables are created in the repository database. The Audit, Access, and Monitoring tables are created in a different audit database other than the repository database.

    The default installation is the Compact installation.


    The Access and Audit events are now processed asynchronously using a thread pool. Default size is 15 and is configurable in the applicationContext-events-logging.xml file. If you want to switch back to the synchronous mode, comment out the following code section in the applicationContext-events-logging.xml file:

    <bean id="loggingEventsService" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.logging.service.impl.LoggingFacade">
    <property name="asyncExecutor" ref="asyncEventsExecutor"/>



    The binary installer does not support split installation. For split installation, use the stand-alone WAR file distribution, which is the official TIBCO JasperReports Server installer.


    Additional Buildomatic Configuration for Split Installation Upgrade

    The default_master.properties file handles the configuration for the Split installation upgrade.

    To configure the default_master.properties file for the Split installation upgrade:

    Edit the default_master.properties file to configure settings specific to your database and application server.

    Look for the line Uncomment below settings ONLY for split installation and uncomment the settings listed in “Sample Values for the default_master.properties File”.

    For example: To uncomment # installType=split, change it to installType=split.

    “Sample Values for the default_master.properties File” lists the settings you need to uncomment with sample values for each supported database.

    Sample Values for the default_master.properties File


    Sample Property Values


    # installType=split[/code]                    


    # installType=split[/code]                    


    # audit.sysPassword=password[/code]                        

    # audit.sid=ORCL

    If you're using an Oracle service name instead of an SID:

    # audit.serviceName=: uncomment and add your service name.


    # installType=split

    # audit.dbName=JSAUDIT[/code]                        

    For DB2, the audit.dbName value must be in uppercase.

    SQL Server

    # installType=split


    Note the following:

    If the installType=split property is not configured, the installation upgrade will be compact.

    The audit.dbPort property is specific to the database. You can change the values for other properties as required.

    Each sample_conf/<dbType>_master.properties file contains the properties and appropriate sample values.




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