You can use the example settings below for Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2.
Get Your JDBC Driver
You can choose to use the provided TIBCO JDBC driver or download a native JDBC Driver. By default, deploy-tibco-drivers is set to false.
Use the TIBCO JDBC Driver:
Copy the driver from:
For example, for SQL Server, you'd copy the driver from:
Download a JDBC Driver:
You can download a JDBC driver appropriate for your database. In this case, additional configurations are required. You can download a JDBC driver from one of these vendor sites:
• | (Oracle) |
• | (SQL Server) |
• | (DB2) |
Copy the downloaded JDBC jar to the following location:
• | <js-src>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/<dbType>/native.jdbc |
For example, for SQL Server the driver would go here:
• | <js-src>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/sqlserver/native.jdbc |
Set Up Your Database
1. | Go to the buildomatic directory in the source distribution: |
cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic
2. | Copy the Oracle specific file to the current directory and change its name to |
Windows: | copy |
Linux: | cp sample_conf/ |
3. | Open the new file for editing. |
4. | Set the following properties for your local environment: |
Property | Examples |
appServerType | appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck][/code] |
appServerDir | appServerDir = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0[/code] appServerDir = /home/<user>/apache-tomcat-9.0[/code] |
sysUsername | |
sysPassword | |
dbUsername | |
dbPassword | |
dbHost | |
maven | maven = C:\apache-maven-3.8.1\bin\mvn.cmd[/code] maven = /home/<user>/apache-maven-3.8.1/bin/mvn[/code] |
js-path | js-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\jasperserver[/code] |
js-pro-path | |
repo-path | repo-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\jasperserver-repo[/code] repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/jasperserver-repo[/code] |
deploy-tibco-drivers | deploy-tibco-drivers = true |
tibco-driver-path | tibco-driver-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-srctibco-driver-repo tibco-driver-path = /home/<user>JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/tibco-driver-repo |
chrome.path | chrome.path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe[/code] chrome.path = /usr/bin/google-chrome[/code] |
5. | If you use native drivers instead of TIBCO drivers, follow the instructions to uncomment the required properties and enable your driver. The following example shows how to set up to point to a driver named ojdbc6- using SID: |
# 1) Setup Standard Oracle JDBC Driver## Uncomment and modify the value to nativejdbcDriverMaker=native## Uncomment and modify the value in order to change the default# 1a) Driver will be found here: <path>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/oracle/native.jdbc#maven.jdbc.groupId=oraclemaven.jdbc.artifactId=ojdbc6maven.jdbc.version=11.2.0. [/code] |
6. | Save the file. |
SQL Server
1. | Go to the buildomatic directory in the source distribution: |
cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic
2. | Copy the SQL Server specific file to the current directory and change its name to |
Windows: | copy |
Linux: | cp sample_conf/ |
3. | Edit the new file and set the following properties for your local environment: |
Property | Examples |
appServerType | appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck][/code] |
appServerDir | appServerDir = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0[/code] appServerDir = /home/<user>/apache-tomcat-9.0[/code] |
dbUsername | |
dbPassword | |
dbHost | |
js-path | js-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\jasperserver[/code] |
js-pro-path | js-pro-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\jasperserver-pro[/code] |
repo-path | repo-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-srcjasperserver-repo[/code] repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/jasperserver-repo[/code] |
deploy-tibco-drivers | deploy-tibco-drivers = true |
tibco-driver-path | tibco-driver-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\tibco-driver-repo tibco-driver-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/tibco-driver-repo |
chrome.path | chrome.path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe[/code] chrome.path = /usr/bin/google-chrome[/code] |
4. | If you use native drivers instead of TIBCO drivers, uncomment the required properties and enable your driver. The following example shows how to set up to point to a driver named mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar: |
# 1) Setup Standard SQLServer JDBC Driver## Uncomment and modify the value to nativejdbcDriverMaker=native## Uncomment and modify the value in order to change the default# Driver will be found here: <path>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/sqlserver/native.jdbc#maven.jdbc.groupId=sqlservermaven.jdbc.artifactId=mssql-jdbcmaven.jdbc.version=6.4.0.jre8[/code] |
5. | Save the file. |
1. | Go to the buildomatic directory in the source distribution: |
cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic
2. | Copy the DB2 specific file to the current directory and change its name to |
Windows: | copy |
Linux: | cp sample_conf/ ./ |
3. | Edit the new file and set the following properties for your local environment: |
Property | Examples |
appServerType | appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck][/code] |
appServerDir | appServerDir = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0[/code] appServerDir = /home/<user>/apache-tomcat-9.0[/code] |
dbUsername | |
dbPassword | |
dbHost | |
js-path | |
js-pro-path | |
repo-path | repo-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\jasperserver-repo[/code] repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/jasperserver-repo[/code] |
deploy-tibco-drivers | deploy-tibco-drivers = true |
tibco-driver-path | tibco-driver-path = C:\JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src\tibco-driver-repo tibco-driver-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-8.0.0-src/tibco-driver-repo |
chrome.path | chrome.path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe[/code] chrome.path = /usr/bin/google-chrome[/code] |
4. | If you use native drivers instead of TIBCO drivers, uncomment the required properties and enable your driver. |
# 1) Setup Standard DB2 JDBC Driver## Uncomment and modify the value to nativejdbcDriverMaker=native## Uncomment and modify the value in order to change the default# Driver will be found here: <path>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/db2/native.jdbc#maven.jdbc.groupId=ibmmaven.jdbc.artifactId=db2jccmaven.jdbc.version=10.5[/code] |
5. | Add the following additional properties, setting the correct values for your installation. For example: |
6. | Save the file. |
Note: For DB2, the database must be created manually, because it is not possible to use a JDBC call to automatically create a database on DB2.
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