The Ant-based buildomatic scripts contain support files for the setup and configuration of a number of databases and application servers. This chapter gives the locations of many of these files.
Detailed Description of the deploy-webapp-pro Target
The deploy-webapp-pro target performs the following actions in your application server environment:
• | Deletes any existing jasperserver-pro WAR file. |
• | Copies the JDBC driver to the appropriate application server directory. |
• | Copies additional JDBC drivers to the application server to support data source creation in the UI |
• | Adds a data source definition to the appropriate application server directory. |
• | Deploys the newly built jasperserver-pro WAR file. |
• | Deletes files within the application server work directory (to clear out compiled JSP files and other cached files). |
• | On Tomcat, if present, deletes the old version of <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/Localhost/jasperserver-pro.xml. |
Running Ant in Debug Mode
Ant can be run with a -v (verbose) or a -d (debug) option to help with troubleshooting, for example:
js-ant -v build-pro
Regenerate Your Buildomatic Property Settings
If you change your file, buildomatic will automatically clean and regenerate all configuration settings. If you want to explicitly clean and regenerate your settings manually you can run the following commands:
Commands | Description |
Clears the buildomatic/build_conf/default directory. Rebuilds the buildomatic/build_conf/default directory. |
Any time you modify the file, configuration settings are automatically re-generated into the buildomatic/build_conf/default folder. |
Using Your Own Apache Ant: Get ant-contrib.jar
If you prefer to use your own version of Apache Ant, get the file ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar. This JAR enables conditional logic in Ant scripts.
1. | Make sure you're using Apache Ant 1.9.4 or higher. |
2. | Copy the file ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar from the <js-src>/apache-ant/lib folder to your <ant-home>/lib folder: |
<ant-home>/lib | (General example) |
C:apache-ant-1.9.4lib | (Windows example) |
/usr/share/java/apache-ant/lib | (Linux example) |
/usr/share/ant/lib | (Mac example) |
Generated Property Files
After you set your database and application server property values, you'll run buildomatic scripts to generate the database and application server configuration files to run JasperReports Server. Generated property files are in the following directory:
Some of the key configuration files are:
maven_settings.xml - (This is the maven settings file used by the source build)
More generated property files are in the following directory:
Some of the configuration files in this directory are:
Running clean-config removes these generated files. Running gen-config or any other target, regenerates these files.
Existing and Generated Database SQL Files
Buildomatic files that support various databases are located in:
The source code build procedure creates the jasperserver repository database schema using these files:
When you run the buildomatic target build-js-ddl-pro, these database files are freshly generated for your specified database platform. The files are generated to the following location:
Then the files are automatically copied into their buildomatic directory location:
These generated files also overwrite the ones already in the buildomatic directory location. |
Generated WAR File Location and deploy-webapp-pro Target
The JasperReports Server source code build creates a jasperserver-pro WAR file. The build assembles the WAR file into the following location:
When the build-pro target is run, buildomatic assembles the jasperserver-pro WAR file, and copies the file to this location for use by subsequent buildomatic targets:
Later, when you run the buildomatic target deploy-webapp-pro, the following actions take place, for example on Tomcat:
Files: | <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic/install_resources/war/jasperserver-pro/* |
Copied to: | <tomcat>/webapps |
File: | <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic/build_conf/default/webapp/META-INF/context.xml |
Copied to: | <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/jasperserver-pro/META-INF |
Files: | <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic/build_conf/default/webapp/WEB-INF/ |
Copied to: | <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF |
File: | <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic/build_conf/db/postgresql/jdbc/postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar |
Copied to: | <tomcat>/lib |
Files: | <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic/conf_source/db/app-srv-jdbc-drivers/*/jar |
Copied to: | <tomcat>/lib |
Details on Database Load Build Targets
The buildomatic targets shown below are used in Building JasperReports Server Source Code to create and populate the databases used with JasperReports Server. These targets consolidate and simplify the handling of the jasperserver database and the optional sample databases:
• | create-load-js-db-pro |
• | create-load-all-dbs-pro |
This buildomatic target is a consolidation of the following targets:
• | drop-js-db (if necessary) |
• | create-js-db |
• | init-js-db-pro |
• | import-minimal-pro |
Additional functionality determines whether the jasperserver database already exists. If so, a command line prompt asks you if you want to delete and re-create the database.
This buildomatic target is a consolidation of the following targets:
• | drop-js-db (if necessary) |
• | create-js-db |
• | init-js-db-pro |
• | import-minimal-pro |
• | import-sample-data-pro |
• | (drop-foodmart-db, if necessary) |
• | create-foodmart-db |
• | load-foodmart-db |
• | (drop-sugarcrm-db, if necessary) |
• | create-sugarcrm-db |
• | load-sugarcrm-db |
Additional functionality determines whether the jasperserver database already exists. If so, a command line prompt asks you if you want to delete and re-create the database. The same logic applies for the sample databases: foodmart and sugarcrm.
General Fresh Database Schema File
The consolidated database scripts do not regenerate the database schema file. Instead the existing default database schema files are used. To regenerate the database schema files, run the following target:
js-ant build-js-ddl-pro
The files are generated to the following location:
Then the files are automatically copied into their buildomatic directory location:
Manual Creation of Databases
JasperReports Server runs with a repository database typically named jasperserver. The automated buildomatic steps create the jasperserver database and sample databases. But you can also create your databases manually.
Manually Creating Databases: PostgreSQL
You can manually execute the scripts buildomatic uses to create and populate databases. Here is an example for PostgreSQL:
1. | To create the jasperserver database, use a client tool to log into PostgreSQL: |
2. | To create the sample databases, run these commands: |
Additional Databases
For information on manual setup of databases other than PostgreSQL, refer to the TIBCO JasperReports Server Installation Guide.
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