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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Source Build Guide. View the latest documentation.

    TIBCO JasperReports® Server builds on TIBCO JasperReports® Library as a comprehensive family of Business Intelligence (BI) products, providing robust static and interactive reporting, report server, and data analysis capabilities. These capabilities are available as either stand-alone products, or as part of an integrated end-to-end BI suite utilizing common metadata and provide shared services, such as security, a repository, and scheduling. The server exposes comprehensive public interfaces enabling seamless integration with other applications and the capability to easily add custom functionality.


    This section describes functionality that can be restricted by the software license for JasperReports Server. If you don’t see some of the options described in this section, your license may prohibit you from using them. To find out what you're licensed to use, or to upgrade your license, contact TIBCO.

    The heart of the TIBCO Jaspersoft® BI Suite is the server, which provides the ability to:

    Easily create new reports based on views designed in an intuitive, web-based, drag and drop Ad Hoc Editor.
    Efficiently and securely manage many reports.
    Interact with reports, including sorting, changing formatting, entering parameters, and drilling on data.
    Schedule reports for distribution through email and storage in the repository.
    Arrange reports and web content to create appealing, data-rich TIBCO Dashboards that quickly convey business trends.

    For users interested in multi-dimensional modeling, we offer Jaspersoft® OLAP, which runs as part of the server.

    While the Ad Hoc Editor lets users create simple reports, more complex reports can be created outside of the server. You can either use Jaspersoft® Studio or manually write JRXML code to create a report that can be run in the server. We recommend that you use Jaspersoft Studio unless you have a thorough understanding of the JasperReports file structure.

    You can use the following sources of information to learn about JasperReports Server:

    Our core documentation describes how to install, administer, and use JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio. Core documentation is available in PDF format on the TIBCO Product Documentation website. You can also access PDF and HTML versions of these guides online from the Documentation section of the Jaspersoft Community website.
    Our Ultimate Guides document advanced features and configuration. They also include best practice recommendations and numerous examples. You can access PDF and HTML versions of these guides online from the Documentation section of the Jaspersoft Community website.
    Our Online Learning Portal lets you learn at your own pace, and covers topics for developers, system administrators, business users, and data integration users. The Portal is available online from the Professional Services section of our website.
    Our free samples, which are installed with JasperReports Library, Jaspersoft Studio, and JasperReports Server, are available and documented online. Please visit our GitHub repository.
    If you have a subscription to our professional support offerings, please contact our Technical Support team when you have questions or run into difficulties. They're available on the web at and through email at http://support.tibco.com and js-support@tibco.com.

    JasperReports Server is a component of both a community project and commercial offerings. Each integrates the standard features such as security, scheduling, a web services interface, and much more for running and sharing reports. Commercial editions provide additional features, including Ad Hoc views and reports, advanced charts, dashboards, Domains, auditing, and a multi-organization architecture for hosting large BI deployments.

    This guide assists developers in obtaining, setting up, building, and running JasperReports Server from its source files.


    This document describes how to build from a command line shell in Linux or Windows. It does not address the process of building within an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ.

    Supported Build Configurations

    The following table lists the target configurations that can be built from the source:

    Application Server


    Tomcat or JBoss




    SQL Server


    JasperReports Server Source Code Archives and Current Files

    The following table lists the source code archive files and current files for JasperReports Server:



    Documented In


    JasperReports Server source code

    Components Required for Source Build

    Building JasperReports Server Source Code


    JasperJPivot source code

    Building JasperJPivot Source Code

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