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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Source Build Guide. View the latest documentation.



    This document describes how to build from a command line shell in Linux or Windows. It does not address the process of building within an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ.

    Introduction to Buildomatic Source Build Scripts

    The JasperReports Server source code comes with a set of configuration and build scripts based on Apache Ant known as the buildomatic scripts. You'll find these scripts in the following directory:


    The buildomatic scripts automate most aspects of configuring, building, and deploying the source code. Apache Ant is bundled into the source code distribution to simplify the setup.

    Downloading and Unpacking JasperReports Server Source Code

    Downloading the Source Archive

    Download the source code package zip for the commercial version of JasperReports Server from TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com) . The download package is TIB_js-jrs_7.9.0_src.zip.

    For access to the site, contact technical support or your sales representative.

    Unpacking the Source Archive

    Unpack the TIB_js-jrs_7.9.0_src.zip file to a directory location, such as C: or /home/<user>. The resulting location is referred to as <js-src> in this document.


    <js-src> example is C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src


    <js-src> example is /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src



    The source build may use paths which exceed the 260-character limit on Windows. To extract the package, Enable NTFS long paths (Windows 10 only) or use a third-party file archiver such as 7-Zip.

    Source Code Package Structure

    After you've unpacked the zip file, the folder directory has the following structure:

    Directory or file



    Bundled version of Apache Ant build tool


    JasperReports Server open source code for core functionality


    JasperReports Server source code for commercial functionality


    Dependent jar files (not readily available publicly)

    <js-src>/tibco-driver-repo Dependent jar files for Progress data connectivity drivers


    Evaluation license used with the jasperserver-pro war in your application server

    Check Apache Ant

    The Apache Ant tool is bundled (pre-integrated) into the source code distribution package so you don't need to download or install Ant to run the buildomatic scripts. For example:

    cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic

    js-ant help   or

    ./js-ant help (Linux)

    If you don't use the bundled version of Apache Ant, we recommend version 1.9.4 or later. Versions earlier than 1.8.1 are not compatible.

    Configuring the Buildomatic Properties

    The buildomatic scripts are found at the following location:


    Use the buildomatic scripts to build the source code and configure settings for a supported application server and database. The file for configuring these settings is default_master.properties. The source distribution includes a properties file for each type of database. You'll add your specific settings to this file and rename it to:



    When specifying paths with Apache Ant and Java in Windows, a single forward slash (/) normally works the same as “escaped” double backlashes ().


    1. Go to the buildomatic directory in the source distribution:

    cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic

    2. Copy the PostgreSQL specific file to the current directory and change its name to
    default_master.properties as shown below:


    copy sample_confpostgresql_master.properties default_master.properties[/code]                        


    cp sample_conf/postgresql_master.properties default_master.properties[/code]                        
    3. Edit the new default_master.properties file and set the following properties for your local environment:




    appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck][/code]                    


    appServerDir = C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 9.0[/code]
    appServerDir = /home/<user>/apache-tomcat-9.0[/code]                    





    maven = C:apache-maven-3.3.9binmvn.cmd[/code]
    maven = /home/<user>/apache-maven-3.3.9/bin/mvn[/code]                    


    js-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srcjasperserver[/code]                    


    js-pro-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srcjasperserver-pro[/code]
    js-pro-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src/jasperserver-pro[/code]                    



    deploy-tibco-drivers deploy-tibco-drivers = true


    repo-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0jasperserver-repo[/code]
    repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src/jasperserver-repo[/code]                    
    chrome.path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe[/code]
    chrome.path = /usr/bin/google-chrome[/code]                    


    1. Go to the buildomatic directory in the source distribution:

    cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic

    2. Copy the MySQL specific file to the current directory and change its name to


    copy sample_confmysql_master.properties default_master.properties


    cp sample_conf/mysql_master.properties default_master.properties

    3. Edit the new default_master.properties file and set the following properties to your local environment:




    appServerType=tomcat [jboss-eap-7, wildfly, skipAppServerCheck][/code]                    


    appServerDir = C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 9.0[/code]
    appServerDir = /home/<user>/apache-tomcat-9.0[/code]                    




    maven = C:apache-maven-3.3.9binmvn.cmd[/code]
    maven = /home/<user>/apache-3.3.9/bin/mvn[/code]                    


    js-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srcjasperserver[/code]
    js-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src/jasperserver[/code]                    


    js-pro-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srcjasperserver-pro[/code]                    



    deploy-tibco-drivers deploy-tibco-drivers = true

    tibco-driver-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srctibco-driver-repo

    tibco-driver-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src/tibco-driver-repo


    repo-path = C:JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-srcjasperserver-repo[/code]
    repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-7.9.0-src/jasperserver-repo[/code]                    
    chrome.path = C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe[/code]
    chrome.path = /usr/bin/google-chrome[/code]                    

    Additional Databases

    For default_master.properties configurations for other databases, please see Source Build Setup for Other Databases.

    Build Source Code

    Now that you've set up your default_master.properties file, you can build the source code.

    To build JasperReports Server:

    1. Set up the default_master.properties file for your environment (as described above).
    2. Start the database server.
    3. Stop the application server.
    4. Run the commands shown below:

    After executing each Ant target in “Commands for Building JasperReports Server”, look for the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL.

    Commands for Building JasperReports Server



    cd <js-src>/jasperserver/buildomatic


    js-ant clean-config

    (Optional) Clears the buildomatic/build_conf/default directory.

    js-ant gen-config (Optional) Rebuilds the buildomatic/build_conf/default directory. js-ant add-jdbc-driver

    Used for loading the databases

    js-ant build-ce

    Builds the community source code

    js-ant build-pro

    Builds the commercial source code

    js-ant create-load-js-db-pro

    (Optional) Creates and loads the jasperserver database, imports core bootstrap data

    js-ant deploy-webapp-pro

    (Optional) Deploys the jasperserver-pro war file to the application server


    Installing JasperReports Server automatically generates encryption keys that reside on the file system. These keys are stored in a dedicated TIBCO TIBCO keystore. Make sure this keystore is properly secured and backed up, as described in the TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide.

    Set Java Options

    JasperReports Server needs Java memory options that are larger than the standard defaults. For information about additional Java options, see please see Setting Java JVM Options.

    Set Increased JAVA_OPTS Settings

    JasperReports Server needs greater heap settings for all functionality to operate. For testing your deployed JasperServer you should set your JAVA_OPTS to the same default values described in the TIBCO JasperReports Server Installation Guide. The following shows the minimum recommended settings; you may need to increase these according to your usage.

    JVM Options on Linux and Mac OSX (64 bit)

    Options for all app servers

    export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -Xss2m"

    JVM Options on Windows (64 bit)

    Options for all app servers

    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -Xss2m

    You should add these settings to your application server startup script:

    Apache Tomcat:


    (.bat for Windows)



    (.bat for Windows)

    For details on setting Java memory options, please see Setting Java JVM Options.

    Put jasperserver.license in Place

    JasperReports Server Commercial edition requires a license to run. An evaluation license is provided in the source code zip download package. You can use this evaluation license to get started and then replace it with one you request TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com) or from your sales representative.

    JasperReports Server looks for the license file in the home directory of the user running the application server, so copy the license to that location. You'll find the license in the root of the source package:


    For more information on license configuration, please see Configuring the JasperReports Server License File.

    Copy jasperserver.license to the appropriate folder listed in the table below.

    License Locations

    Operating System




    Mac OSX


    Windows 7 using the bundled Tomcat


    Windows 7 using an existing Tomcat Windows service


    Starting JasperReports Server

    You can now start your application server. Your database should already be running.

    Logging into JasperReports Server

    You can now log into JasperReports Server through a web browser:

    Enter the login URL with the default port number:


    Log into JasperReports Server as superuser or jasperadmin:

    User ID: superuser    Password: superuser

    User ID: jasperadmin   Password: jasperadmin

    If you're unable to log in or have other problems, refer to Troubleshooting, or the TIBCO JasperReports Server Installation Guide, which provides additional troubleshooting information.

    JasperReports Server Log Files

    If you encounter any startup or runtime errors you can check the application server log files. For Apache Tomcat you'll find the log file here:


    Also check the jasperserver.log file. You can increase the debug output level by editing the log4j.properties file.

    The JasperReports Server runtime log is here:


    The log4j.properties file is here:



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