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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Security Guide. View the latest documentation.

    Legitimate code can be used to introduce harmful measures into the web application. For instance, calls for disk access and calls to System.Exit can be hidden in classpaths. An effective measure against such intrusions is to implement a protection domain. In Tomcat you have to enable the Tomcat Security Manager then edit its parameters according to the requirements of your server environment.

    The ProtectionDomain class encloses a group of classes whose instances have the same permissions, public keys, and URI. A given class can belong to only one ProtectionDomain. For more information on ProtectionDomain, see the Java documentation.

    Enabling the JVM Security Manager

    The Security Manager restricts permissions at the application server level. By default, no permissions are disallowed at that level, so legitimate permissions must be specifically added. You must add permissions for JasperReports Server. Doing so does not interfere with server operations because JasperReports Server security restrictions occur on other levels.

    Add the enabling code for the Security Manager in the file <apache-tomcat>/conf/catalina.policy. ProtectionDomains can be enabled, as defined in <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml, reportsProtectionDomainProvider bean.

    To enable the Security Manager and give JasperReports Server full permissions there, add the following code fragment at the end of catalina.policy.

    // These permissions apply to the JasperReports Server applicationgrant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/jasperserver[-pro]/-" {      permission java.security.AllPermission;};[/code]                    


    After enabling the manager in catalina.policy, you should limit the packages that the JasperReports Library can access. To do so, edit <apache-tomcat>/conf/catalina.policy, locate the package.access property, and add the names of the packages that JasperReports Library should be prevented from accessing. We recommend that you block these packages:


    After editing, it should be similar to:


    After enabling the manager, you should add the security parameter to your Tomcat startup command. For example:

    <apache-tomcat>binstartup -security

    If you didn't add the permissions properly, you will receive errors like the following:

    Restoring Disallowed Permissions

    The file <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml defines the permissions allowed for java.security.Class. You might have to use the file to add permissions disallowed by enabling the Security Manager. On the application level, only specified permissions are granted now, so any application-level permissions you were using have been disallowed. You must write code that restores them.

    Refer to this commented sample applicationContext.xml file when you restore necessary permissions.

    For instance, to add permission for read/write access to the /temp and JasperReport resources folders, add the java.io.FilePermission beans to the permissions property of reportsProtectionDomainProvider:

    <bean id="reportsProtectionDomainProvider" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider">   <property name="permissions">          <list>             <bean class="java.io.FilePermission">                <constructor-arg value="${java.io.tmpdir}${file.separator}*"/>                <constructor-arg value="read,write"/>             </bean>[/code]                    
                 <bean class="java.io.FilePermission">                <constructor-arg value="${catalina.home}${file.separator}webapps${file.separator}               jasperserver[-pro]${file.separator}WEB-INF${file.separator}classes${file.separator}-"/>                <constructor-arg value="read"/>             </bean>[/code]                    
                 <bean class="java.io.FilePermission">                 <constructor-arg value="${catalina.home}${file.separator}webapps${file.separator}                 jasperserver[-pro]${file.separator}WEB-INF${file.separator}lib${file.separator}*"/>                 <constructor-arg value="read"/>              </bean>          </list>   </property></bean>[/code]                    

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