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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes new features introduced in the Jaspersoft BI Suite version 8.0.x releases. For information regarding features introduced in versions 7.1 to 7.9 releases, see the release notes for those versions.

    Version 8.0.1

    JasperReports Server 8.0.1 is a maintenance release that includes improvements requested by customers. It is released as a service pack with patch files for the 8.0.0 Commercial version. There is also a separate service pack for the Community version.

    For information about the status of specific cases, see Closed Issues or visit TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support: http://support.tibco.com.

    Version 8.0.0

    JasperReports Server 8.0.0 adds these improvements:

    Scalable Query Engine. The JasperReports Server scalable query engine is a new feature that supports high performance Ad Hoc reporting under load. Because Ad Hoc reports can require large amounts of data in memory and perform intensive calculations, they can become a bottleneck on a server with hundreds of users. The scalable query engine is comprised of workers that run in Kubernetes on separate virtual machines, creating a mini-cluster of reporting engines running in parallel to the server.

    The scalable query engine is completely transparent: users are still logged into JasperReports Server through a browser. They run reports and use the Ad Hoc designer to create and interact with Ad Hoc views in the existing user interface. When the scalable query engine is deployed, the computation and data in memory is handled by the workers and results are displayed in the JasperReports Server session.

    The scalable query engine is completely optional: you can choose whether to deploy it during installation, at a later time, or not at all. When it is not deployed, no further installation is necessary, and JasperReports Server runs as before within the app server on a single machine.

    For more information, see the Scalable Query Engine chapter in the JasperReports Server Installation Guide.

    UI Improvements. New settings panel dedicated to formatting and properties in Ad Hoc and Dashboard designers.
    Split Installation (Store Audit events in a separate db). Audit and Access events can now be moved to different databases using split installation/upgrade, which improves performance of the JasperReports server.
    Docker and Kubernetes support for JasperReports Server deployment. JasperReports Server now supports deployment on Docker and Kubernetes. For more information, refer to the Jaspersoft Docker Repository at https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/js-docker.
    Hyperlinks settings have been added for Crosstab and Table Ad Hoc view dashlets in Dashboards.
    Replace dashlet action. New Replace dashlet action has been added to Enable hyperlinks setting for Ad Hoc view dashlets, which enables replacement of the Ad Hoc View in a dashlet with some other Ad Hoc View, Report, or Report Option.
    Report Viewer Responsiveness. This feature enables the report to adapt its output to the current size of the window.
    Detailed Dashboard Export in JasperReports Server. Dashboards in JasperReport Server can be exported as an image and in detailed mode with each visualization (dashlet) in a new page. This feature is available in Dashboard Viewer, Scheduler, and Visualize.js.
    High Maps Support in JasperReportsServer/JasperReports Library. The HTML5 Map feature has been introduced to create interactive maps. It lets you display the information related to a geographical area using the HTML5 Map components. Design is done in Jaspersoft Studio, but execution can be done in Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server.
    Ad Hoc Reports execution in JasperReports IO. JasperReports Server with JasperReports IO integrated are capable of executing the Ad Hoc reports (except Ad Hoc chart report and Ad Hoc OLAP reports).
    Master-detail visualization in JasperReport Library. Master-detail chart is added to HTML5 chart. A master-detail chart is a highstock-like chart that has two interactive charts, a Master chart and a Detail chart. By selecting a horizontal region on the master chart, the respective selected region will be displayed on the detail chart. Design is done in Jaspersoft Studio, but execution can be done in JasperReports Server.
    Tilemaps in JasperReports Library and Jaspersoft Studio. Tilemaps are a new variation of Range maps under Highcharts (HTML5 charts). Design is done in Jaspersoft Studio, but execution can be done in JasperReports Server.
    Java 11 support for Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports IO Pro.
    New platforms. This release adds support for several new third-party platforms versions:
    RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2
    MacOS X 11x
    Debian Linux 10
    New database versions. This release adds support for a new third-party database version:
    PostgreSQL 12
    New application server versions. This release adds support for several new third-party application server versions:
    Oracle Weblogic 14.1
    The latest minor versions of Apache Tomcat 8.5.x and 9.0.x
    New connectors. This release adds support for several new third-party connectors:
    AWS Athena


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