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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes new features introduced in the Jaspersoft BI Suite version 7.9.x releases. For information regarding features introduced in versions 7.1 to 7.8 releases, see the release notes for those versions.

    Version 7.9.1

    JasperReports Server 7.9.1 is a maintenance release that includes improvements requested by customers. It is released as a service pack with patch files for the 7.9.0 Commercial version.

    For information about the status of specific cases, see Closed Issues or visit TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support:


    Version 7.9.0

    JasperReports Server 7.9.0 adds these improvements:

    Updated user interface. This release provides you to schedule a report from within Report Viewer. You can also schedule a dashboard from within Dashboard Designer and Dashboard Viewer. In addition, you can get sample code for embedding visualization from within Report Viewer, Ad Hoc Designer, Dashboard Designer, and Dashboard Viewer by using Visualize.js.
    New platforms. This release adds support for several new third-party platforms versions:
    Database Servers:
    TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.3.0
    ElasticSearch 7.9
    Vertica 10
    JRIO At-Scale. JRIO At-Scale allows you to scale the JRIO service deployment in various ways. JRIO At-Scale has an option to configure JasperReports Server for deploying a cluster of instances as a reporting engine.
    New custom report. A new custom report property has been introduced to specify a prefix to use in the name of temporary files produced when exporting the report from the report preview tab.
    JasperReports Library updates. This new version allows generic element HTML export handlers to export generic elements as images or any other built-in element type. A new custom property is used to control the HTML exporting of custom visualization components as images.




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