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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes currently known issues in this release of JasperReports Server:

    JRL-242 (was 17824): While Fusion Charts support annotations, JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio don't support them. We may address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JRS-15530: The UI Samples page for administrators, available in previous releases, has been removed. When testing themes and other cosmetic changes or customizations to the web UI, please navigate to a page with the component you're changing rather than viewing the samples page. We may address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JS-19100 (was 30018): When an XML/A provider returns data to the Ad Hoc Editor, JasperReports Server sometimes must convert the datatype to string. For example, an XML/A provider may return data of type currency; in an Ad Hoc view, such currency data is a string that displays as a symbol (such as $) and a number. When such an XML/A-based Ad Hoc view is saved as a report, its datatypes are converted again. JasperReports Server attempts to convert the data to their original types, but in some cases, such as currency, no such type is available, and so currency data is converted to type double. In reports created from an Ad Hoc view, XML/A data that was returned with datatype currency is displayed as a number; the currency symbol is omitted. Wei may address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JS-30847 (was 43707): If a dashboard contains an image dashlet that relies on the repo: syntax to refer to its image, and superuser exports the dashboard (using the repository's Export context menu item or the Manage > Server Settings > Export page), the image isn't exported with the dashboard. We may address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JS-32077: Multi-select input controls for reports treat the values as case-sensitive even if the data source is case-insenstive.
    JS-33114: Exporting a report with large frame elements as an Excel spreadsheet may result in high memory usage, even when using a virtualizer.
    JS-33304: Migrating from an earlier version of JasperReports Server with thousands of resources associated with an Oracle-based domain may result JasperReports Server being unable to edit the domain.
    JS-34346: This release changes resource visibility constraints in multi-tenant deployments (that is, those that include more than one organization). The change disables certain cases of improper resource referencing, such as providing an absolute repository path (starting with the root organization) for a resource referenced in a report. If you have a reference to an image, a subreport, or other resource that has an absolute path (or uses a $P{} parameter that later resolves to an absolute path), the server returns an error. Please update such references to use path that are visible to users in the organization in question. Consider using relative paths, or use the public folder for reports used by multiple organizations.
    JS-34721: Running node.js to optimize your JavaScript files results in the Visualize.js framework no longer working due to missing references in the optimized visualize.js script.
    JS-34763: Exporting scheduled jobs in bulk results in an empty ZIP file. If you want to export scheduled jobs, you must export them individually.
    JS-34767: Administrators in a attempting to import a file receive the following error message on the first attempt: "Import failed. Import of an organization to the root is not allowed." Importing the file a second time will be successful. Administrators in a multi-tenant organization can work around this issue by going to Manage > Server Settings and right-clicking Organization in the tree and choosing Import... to import the file. Administrators in a single-tenant organization must go through the import procedure twice in order to import a file.
    JS-34837: Running an uploaded report that uses a non-existant table will result in an error. If you attempt to delete the organization that holds the report after running it, you will receive an error and will not be able to delete the organization.
    JS-35409: Creating a domain using a virtual data source based on an Oracle data source may result in an error and the domain not being created. This is due to performance issues with virtual data sources using Oracle data sources.
    JS-36540: The binary installer for this release does not run properly on Ubuntu 18.04. Clicking the Finish button at the end of installation does not close the installer.
    JS-38006: The permissions window in the repository shows the Read + Write + Delete option twice in the drop-down list.
    JS-41999: Changing an Ad Hoc View from table to crosstab may change the timestamp data due to incorrect categorizers for timestamps in the query.
    JS-56033: Two identical Ad Hoc tables in a domain using different data sources may end up sharing the same cache, resulting in one of the tables displaying incorrect data.
    JS-56108: On AWS instances, the js-ant export and js-ant import commands may return unexpected errors when using options to specify import-export keys. Instead, use the js-export and js-import scripts (.bat on Windows or .sh on Linux) in the buildomatic folder. These scripts have been tested on AWS with the new options for import-export keys.
    JS-56172: Support for the Groovy language in JRS has been upgraded to version 2.5.7. There is a documented issue with this version of Groovy, where expressions referencing objects of type java.util.Date can no longer use additional methods provided by Groovy. For example, the Groovy expression new Date().format('MM/dd/yy') would produce an error. This would affect Groovy code in domain security XML files or any DomEL expressions using the groovy() function.

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