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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    We fixed the following issues in version 7.5.2:

    JS-57422: [case 01860859] Invalid range error message being displayed when we provide zero as filter value for few fields while creating ad hoc view
    JS-55518: [case 01802787] Report using IE11 in Visualize.js Renders Blank in Waggle
    JS-55770: [case 01794245] Can't deploy JasperServer as Tomcat ROOT context
    JS-58047: [case 01861254] Domain Composite Join doesn't convert from 711 to 75
    JS-56970: [case 01861886] Fixing decryption of small (<8) passwords after same db upgrade
    JS-56290: [case 01818197 +1] MongoDB Connection with User Profile Attribute Failed to Connect When running Report in JRS 7.2.0
    JS-57213: [case 01841055] Upgrade issues from 7.1 to 7.2 and 7.2 to 7.5 : Wrong names of foreign keys used in upgrade-postgresql-7.2.0-7.5.0-pro.sql script
    JS-57413: Unable to install JRS 7.5.0 with Oracle JDBC proprietary native driver
    JS-58829: [case 01853335] xssNonce is not set
    JS-58331: [case 01865076] Profile attribute does not work for a topic ad hoc view report
    JS-58815: [case 01878486] Highcharts object is not available in Highcharts formatter function when embedded in visualize.js
    JS-34553: [case 01755276] Visualize.js embeddeding accesses login.html before performing authentication
    JS-55934: [case 01809092] Prefetch filter values set to false not working for "is between" date filters
    JS-56039: [case 01814041] can't open or edit domain if a calculated fields references a missing field
    JS-56082: [case 01899114] Error while adding calcField with elapsedMinutes function to rows or columns in adhoc crosstab.
    JS-59321: [case #1891086] JRS 7.5 Single Select IC Display Problem in Firefox (v79).
    JS-34780: [case 01791606] Jobs created through rest do not save the exact job descriptor
    JS-60085: [case 01902734] Adding Calculated Fields to Ad Hoc Crosstab rows generates error "ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression"
    JRL-1402: [case 01900679] Intermittent "java.io.IOException: Stream Closed" error with SwapFileVirtualizer
    JRL-1528: [case 01840805] JRL table element truncate long text content even stretch on overflow is enabled
    JS-60271: [case 01906880] domain "unknown error occurred" after upgrade to 7.5.1 plus hotfix
    JS-55979: [case 01812278] Cannot add new fields to existing tables in Domain designer 2
    JS-59736: [case 01897036] Domain involving 2 schemas with same table name results in import error and dup fields
    JS-60404: [case 01905429] upgrade jackson-databind-2.10.0.jar to bypass cve-2020-25649
    JS-56819: [case 01905429] Spring issue #4310: ensure HOST header is secure
    JS-59945: [case 01905429] CVE-google-oauth-client-1.22.0.jar
    JS-60702: [case 01913688] Derived Query Validation Not Limiting to Single Row
    JS-60860: [case 01916774] incorrect sql join upon switching measure to countDistinct
    JS-60778: [case 01916071] Undefined variables error when using derived table with field under group
    JS-60449: [case 01909122]Long running report through JRS 7.5 visualize.js causing CloudFlare timeout
    JS-60978: [case 01916882] Exporting Ad Hoc View with calculated field as a 'is one of' filter throws NullPointerException error
    JS-61491: [case 01929472] Editting Domain Derived Table Reassigning Id and Dropping Columns
    JS-61326: In Page Input Controls are not showing IC name in Chrome V88
    JS-60947: [case 01913920] Generated Adhoc View Query returns incorrect data due to changed Join ordering
    JS-61551: [case 01930609]domain left join working in JRS 7.1.1 becomes an inner join in JRS 7.5.1
    JS-59617: [case 01872618] nullpointer in attribute resolution during js-import
    JS-62277: [case 01945269] Ad hoc view starts erroring out after hotfix_JRSPro7.5.1_cumulative_20210413_0301.zip

    For information about cases fixed in previous releases, see that version's release notes. For information about the your specific cases, please visit TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com).

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