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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes changes in functionality in the JasperReports Server version 7.5.2 maintenance release. For details about changes in configuration, see the readme files in the maintenance release ZIP.

    The deployment of the application under the root of a web container is possible but requires a change in the web.xml file.
    You can now use the Oracle JDBC proprietary native driver with JasperReports Server after configuring its maven settings in the default_master.properties file.
    You can store additional parameters with a scheduled job after enabling them in the configuration file.
    You can configure a list of hostnames that are allowed to access your instance of JasperReports Server.
    XMLA Server Disabled by Default: XMLA (XML for Analysis, also written XML/A) is a legacy SOAP-based XML protocol used to transfer analysis data over an HTTP connection. XMLA consists of a client component to connect to external XMLA data sources, and a server component that allowed XMLA connections to be used internally as data sources. XMLA has been deprecated in JasperReports Server since release 7.1, but the functionality was still available.

    As of this release, the XMLA server component is now disabled by default. JasperReports Server can still receive and process data from a Mondrian XMLA data source as a client, but that XMLA connection can no longer be used as a server to define a second data source. If you had JRXML reports or Ad Hoc reports based on such a data source, they must be modified to use the Mondrian XMLA data source directly.

    It is strongly encouraged to keep the JasperReports Server XMLA server disabled for security considerations. However, the XMLA server can be re-enabled through the following steps:

    a. Edit the file WEB-INF/web.xml in the JasperReports Server web app.
    b. Find the JasperXmlaServlet.
    c. Uncomment the servlet definition and its mapping:
    d. Restart the server.

    For information regarding previous releases, see the release notes for those releases.

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